It has been a horrible, terrible no good day today. My heart - TopicsExpress


It has been a horrible, terrible no good day today. My heart hurts today because my friend Red died today. Red was one of my best chicken friends. It was always me and my three chicken friends, Susie, Connie and Red, and now it is just me and Susie and Connie. Red got sick about a month ago. It turns out she had cancer in her ovary. Chickens like my friends are changed genetically to lay eggs every single day so people can eat the eggs. That is not how God made them. In the beginning they were meant to lay eggs only a few times a year so they could have babies, just like all other wild birds including turkeys. The thing is that ovary ( birds only have one ovary) gets a huge work- out laying eggs all the time and they often get cancer in it as they get older because all the egg making is not normal. :( I noticed over a month ago that Red was not feeling the best. I alerted momma and she checked her over and they knew what was wrong. Red got some pills and some other stuff that made her feel better for a little while, but her cancer was still there. :( We had a fun month. We laid around outdoors and played and just enjoyed each other. Red got special food that she especially loves and that means I got some too because Susie, Connie and I were almost always with her. Animals know when their friends are sick. We know and we take care of our friends even if it makes us sad. One day a few weeks ago Red had a weak moment and Susie and Connie ran and got under her belly and lifted her up. It made momma and dad cry that day. Red had more weak times but she still loved to eat her special food and be with us in the sunshine. I laid with her and made sure she was comfortable. Sometimes I let her lay her head on my body...we all did. Momma started to take videos of us. A week ago Red came into the house and began to stay with me in the house because she was not strong and the weather was cold at night. We both watched TV at night together and then I would tuck her in at night in her bed behind the TV before I went to bed. During warm days Red came outside and while she didnt play anymore she did like to talk to all of us and lay in the sunshine. Last night she walked out of the house to the back porch and just looked at the chicken coop. The chickens all came up on the porch and were all around her...I was too. It was wierd because she was sick but still came out as if she was well again. Last night was different because she did not want to eat anything. I ate from her dish to show her it was good but she was sleeping a lot. When I tucked her in I stayed with her until almost midnight and momma made me go to bed. This morning she was quiet and did not eat her special food but we did talk a little. I did not feel like eating either.:( It did not feel ike a good day. Red stayed on her soft bed by the TV. I laid next to her for awhile and then I went outside with Susie and Connie and the girls. A little while ago momma and dad came out and they had Red wrapped in a towel and I could tell they were very sad. Momma knelt down and opened the towel and we all saw that Red had died. This time we did not come to her, but we just got sad and knew she would not be able to be with us anymore now. Momma says she knew she was loved and that she is very proud of all of us for being so kind and letting Red know how much she meant to us...but Red was also special to us too. She let us love her and told us last night in her own way that she would not see us until we too got angel wings. Death is hard for me. I have had a hard time all summer because another chicken friend left us unexpectly. It was the first time I knew that my friends could get sick and would not play anymore. I was very depressed all the rest of the summer and momma started to do videos of me when Red got sick so she could better understand how friends and I were affected by sad times and death. She is very surprised and thinks everyone will be too. We are very good at understanding when our friends are not well and we stay with and surround them with ourselves. We are all laying under the shrubs now and we are sad. I have my head tucked in my wing now for a few hours. I know life will be different...We loved her, she was our family, but she knew that.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:23:58 +0000

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