It has been a joyous and crazy Unexpected Labor Day... full of - TopicsExpress


It has been a joyous and crazy Unexpected Labor Day... full of laughs & worry, friends & family, cooking out and Maxs Big SWIM! Everyone gathered around as Max prepared to get in the pool for the first time in his life... ~Ive been holding my breathe with excitement, along with most of you. . Wanting for this marvelous day to finally arrive! I covered his site where the central line was removed Friday, slathered him in (probably too much) sunscreen and suited him up in his first pair of swim trunks. . He was quite darling! :) We made our way outside to join everyone waiting with bated breath; for the moment his precious feet hit the water... cameras were ready, as smiles and anticipation hung in the air... ~I just knew he would go in splashing like crazy and maybe even take off swimming; he loves the water so much. . Well maybe not quite that, but you get where my mind has been. .lol Well, lets just say...It didnt go that way at all!!. Max was starting to get hot in the heat pretty quickly. He doesnt spend much time outside of course due to everything. It was pretty humid today in Tennessee for just about anyone! ~So on we went toward the glistening water dancing softly beneath the heat that barely a breeze was felt upon our skin. My feet hit the water first. . And WoW!!... It was Cold! Not at all what was imaged?! I waded on in as our sweet boy was passed safely into my arms. His Lil feet kissed the water and bounced up to my bosom. . As he tested the water again. . A puzzled look donned his face, as if he were trying to figure out why the heck it was Sooo cold as well! ~So I thought to myself, when its cold. . Its easier to take a bit quicker of a dip, right? So I dipped his bottom in and back out again. . Seemed to be OK. . So then we dipped to his chest. . And he let out the biggest scream! :( I felt so bad! We waded some more and he was not amused; so I sat him on the step and everyone came to calm him! He was hesitant to the cold which I believe shocked his system. ~He clung tight to each of us; as we all took a turn in helping him welcome the chilling water and this new experience! Then he became very lathargeic in our arms. . Closing his eyes and resting his head towards our torso; as if he would fall asleep any second. The situation rapidly became very Alarming to us all. .and everyone immediately began speaking of the ER! We took him inside and vigorously dried his body and I put on fresh clothes. Nana rocked him, wrapped in blankets with the most horrifying look on her face; heart racing Im sure! we checked his temp and pupils.. all seemed fine! I tried to calm everyone as I worried inside myself. . He went to sleep and everyone kept checking to ensure he kept breathing! He woke 2 hours later and seemed fine! We finished the day off on the see saw with Sissy and had fun with family and friends! Although everyone still worried, that he didnt quite look right. .. I knew he was ok! Sissy sat with him all the way home and worried... ~Every few mins she would say. . he dont look right; lets go to the hospital. I would check on him and even rode with the light on so I could see his face in the little mirror! Bless her heart. . She worries so over her bubba. He finally went to sleep around 1am. JUst for safe measure, I called the on call doctor and she agrees that he is probably fine. So I dusted off the old pulse ox and am keeping a watchful eye on him. . He is stating great at 99% with a heart rate of 102; so I hope that our precious angel Boo sleeps well tonight! (Sorry for the book. .) ♡~Maxs Mom
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:01:48 +0000

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