It has been a little over 14 months since Jack entered our world. - TopicsExpress


It has been a little over 14 months since Jack entered our world. 14 months of nonstop learning, playing, laughing, crying, and doctor’s visits. We have watched as God has carried Jack in the palm of his hand. At the same time God has held our hands through some very difficult times. We have learned a new normal. We are so blessed to get to be a part of this little boy’s life. Would we change one minute of the last 14 months? No way! The top 20 things you need to know about Jack. 1. Jack has giggle attacks often. 2. Jack will let you know quickly if he is hongry (not a typo) 3. Jack has very little vision but compensates well. 4. Jack stops breathing sometimes numerous times a night. 5. Jack loves to sing and dance. 6. Jack is still not walking without assistance but walks short distances with a posterior walker. 7. Jack loves peas. Doesn’t matter what kind he loves them. 8. Jack is a soymilk drinking boy. 9. Jack weighed 20.2# when we got him. 10. Jack now weighs 41.8#. 11. After having tubes put in his ears he is beginning to speak in sentences. 12. Jack needs hearing aids. 13. Jack’s favorite toy is trains. 14. Jack has at least 8 medical specialist. 15. In order to keep up with his medical appointments we have a spreadsheet. 16. You will never hear Jack tell you to move but he will tell you to moosh. 17. Jack honestly believes that you must have rice every night. 18. Jack brings joy and happiness wherever he goes. 19. Jack is loved by all that know him. 20. Jack has touched more people in the 14 months that he has been here than I have touched in my 54 years on this earth.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:40:11 +0000

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