It has been a long and arduous search, as we are looking for a - TopicsExpress


It has been a long and arduous search, as we are looking for a short-term rental with a rental fee that doesnt leave us penniless in the KC area. We want to continue to save for our house so we can purchase within the next few months. Well, we really are looking for a needle in the haystack. But, my faith is big, and I KNOW God knows exactly what we need. The market has loosened up a bit since winter and we found something advertised on-line that looked promising! After viewing the location and corresponding several times with the owner we were elated to find a larger home with storage, enough bedrooms, neat and clean with a garage and a reasonable price, that might possibly work into a lease to own. I was so excited and thrilled that God had provided the perfect place. By the next morning - I received an email only to discover that the whole advertisement was a scam to usurp my deposit and first months rent for a property that was basically, a stolen ad. I was more than disappointed - I was down. Funny how the enemy will immediately pounce on any incident or interruption that can leave us questioning, Now, why did that happen? Im over my disappointment and my faith wavers not! Hes all I have and Hes never let me down! Heres my devotion for today: Faith Is The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith! Luke 17:5 Faith answers the question, ‘How?’ with one word: ‘God!’ The Bible says, ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ (Hebrews 11:1). Notice: 1) Faith is a ‘substance.’ Some people see faith as something ghostly and ‘other worldly.’ But it’s not; we use faith every day. For example, you pick up the phone, call a department store, place an order, and they ask for your credit card number. Then they send you a receipt. The receipt is what you hold on to while you’re waiting for the item to arrive - it gives you the assurance that the product is on the way. And the same is true in the spiritual realm. God promises to answer your prayer, you believe Him, but your faith is the ‘substance’ or the receipt you hold on to while you’re waiting. 2) Faith is also ‘evidence.’ Why would you believe that someone you can’t see on the other end of a phone line would send you something just because you order it? Because it happens every day for others, and it’s probably happened to you before. Therefore you’re not being presumptuous or silly when you go to your mailbox expecting it to be there. You are not the first person to trust God and you won’t be the last. ‘Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations’ (Psalms 90:1). People have been trusting God for thousands of years and He has never let them down. His faithfulness is all the ‘evidence’ you need. So it’s not foolish to put your trust in a God like that, is it? Prayer Heavenly Father, help me to see faith as something real and trustworthy – in You. In Your Precious Name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:44:33 +0000

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