It has been a month since Jacob was burned, December 22,2014. I - TopicsExpress


It has been a month since Jacob was burned, December 22,2014. I remember that day all too well. Trena Hurst Silver called crying saying Jacob Merchant was being taken from his dads house by ambulance to Mission Hospital in Asheville N.C. Me and my husband Larry Hurst started praying immediately. Then she called back and said he was so bad that he was being transported to Brenners Childrens Burn Unit in Winston Salem N.C. Needless to say I completely lost it at that point. Like this song says, I started crying out to God, please take this, God I need you now. They immediately put him in the ICU Burn Unit. He was in a lot of pain and couldnt do anything for himself. They told Trena, Michael Silver and Jason Merchant to prepare themselves for a long road ahead. They said he would possibly lose his hand and that he would have to have skin grafts. Everyday when she called, it seemed he wasnt getting any better. We didnt have Christmas at home, we went to Winston Salem and spent Christmas with Jacob. He didnt know we were coming and was so glad to see us when we walked in. He wanted me to read to him from his little bible. I read him the whole chapter of Psalms 34 and the whole chapter of Psalms 91, then we talked about what we had read. He started crying saying he was afraid and didnt want them to take his hand off or have skin grafts. I told him to stay strong and to remember what Psalms 34: 7 said about the Lords angels camped out all around him. I told him when he is afraid to say the verse Psalms 56:3, What time I am afraid I will trust in Thee. We prayed with him before we left. The hardest part was when we started to leave and he was crying to go with us. This may sound crazy to some people, but when I got home, I had it out with the devil. I said, (among a lot of things), devil you are a liar and a loser, and you are NOT going to win this. We prayed and prayed and asked others to pray. That was on Thursday, Christmas Day. On Monday December 29th, the doctors took his bandages off and was amazed at how he was healing. They said his hand was healing miraculously and he probably wouldnt be needing the skin grafts. The doctor told them that he was doing so well he could go home tomorrow, Tuesday December 30th. He went back for check up Jan. 12th and they released him from their care. He will be seeing the doctors in Asheville from now on. He is back at school and is improving every day. God is so good! I cant thank Him enough for what He has done. I thank all of you for helping us pray. GOD HEARD! :)
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:24:19 +0000

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