It has been a rather insane week at the Mahin household. Monday - TopicsExpress


It has been a rather insane week at the Mahin household. Monday evening, I went out for a ride on Mikes motorcycle and had an accident. I dont remember much about the accident itself except that it didnt involve any other cars, and ended with me feeling quite a lot of pain in my left leg. I had been wearing a full faced helmet and armored jacket. One ambulance ride later, we found out that I had tangoed with a bush of some kind, as my calf had been impaled by a branch chipping the bone, and my knee had been peeled back, offering a rather expansive view of my patella. The surgeons cleaned me up, and sewed me back together. Two days later, I was admitted to the hospital with a rather awful infection, and had surgery yesterday to clean that out. Now, as I sit in my hospital room, finally on the mend, I cant help but feel so grateful and unbelievably blessed. By the grace of God, I am totally fine, no permanent damage. And, I am humbled and grateful for my wonderful family and friends who have been so helpful and loving this week. I truly have no words to describe my love and gratitude that these amazing people have helped take care of Emily, brought me flowers, diet cokes, chocolate, iced teas, walnut danish, snacks, talked to nurses and doctors for me, cooked meals for my family, brought books, got up early to make it to my surgery so I wouldnt be alone...and the list keeps going on. Not to mention, my strong husband has been a single dad and sole housekeeper this week. To everyone who has been so wonderful this week, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am humbled by the depth of your love and friendship, and I love you all...
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:57:30 +0000

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