It has been a week since the Love of my Life, went to heaven. Ive - TopicsExpress


It has been a week since the Love of my Life, went to heaven. Ive not been able to get on facebook for days, obviously. Our family has had a hole in our hearts that is unexplainable. Bill was so sick, but we had no idea things were about to happen as fast as it did, and he went to Heaven quicker than any of us expected. There are no words to describe our past few days, but there is something I want you all to know. First of all, GOD NEVER fails us. It was HIS will that Bill be healed, and he is...not the way we had hoped, but now he is healed eternally; and my Bill is no longer suffering with that horrible brain cancer that robbed him the past few weeks. It was GODs mercy that allowed him to only have to deal with that devastation for weeks, instead of months or years on a feeding machine, bed confined, and without his perfect mind. Its so hard to not be selfish and just want Bill to stay here with us, but we know how we saw his body decline, and our Bill did not want to live a debilitating way of life. He was so vibrant and full of life, and cancer did not slow him down until the past few weeks. We were so blessed to have brought him home last October after 3 weeks in Brookwood, and 10 of those days on life support. We will forever be grateful for 11 months of precious wonderful time with him, where he most of the time felt like eating, and doing normal things that our families enjoyed. I believe we lived the last 11 months to the fullest with Bill. Second, I cannot begin to express our appreciation for the overwhelming outpouring of love and support from our family and friends in the past few months and especially the past few weeks. Thank you all for the time youve spent with us, for the food,for money that was given to us for gas and food to help with the many days weve spent in the hospital. Thank you for the things that were bought for us, thank you to our wonderful neighbors that have mowed Bills grass and kept our yard looking neat like Bill loved! Thank you to our family that brought food, and supplies just to keep the house running. Thank you to our precious Mama Lucy and Mama and Daddy and Paula who helped with Bill so I could work a little. Thank you to our friends and family for the hours of support youve spent with us at home and at the hospital, for all the ways you helped me with food at the hospital, and for the magnificent outpouring of love this past week. For food that was prepared at our church, and Mama Lucys church after visitations and the service. My heart is so full with love and the feeling of honor to have received all these wonderful blessings. Third, I believe Bill has a message to all of us now and it is this, if you could see me now, I am healed, whole, and with Jesus, I would tell you its worth it all! Bill would say to us Ive made it and now, Im with you in spirit, and its my desire to have all of you to make sure your relationship with Jesus is real, so that you can come to where I am, and we can all be together forever, with the Lord. There is nothing worth missing this for! Give everything to Jesus so that you can come where I am, dont you miss Heaven for the world Until we meet again, Ill be waiting for you all. John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also! So I (Linda) say to Bill, Ill be doing all I can for myself, our family, and the Kingdom of God, to ensure that well be with you in all eternity. I wont let our circle, be unbroken! I will always love you Bill.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 18:26:58 +0000

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