It has been a while since I posted on my Athlete page. I have a - TopicsExpress


It has been a while since I posted on my Athlete page. I have a story to tell you, and I hope you can gain some inspiration from it. In 2013 I was ranked first in Canada and 10th in the world for Masters Women Crossfit. In 2014, I was ranked first in Canada and 7th in the world in my division and I truly believed I would have been on the podium at the CrossFit Games in July. On May 14th, I packed my bags and went to bed ready to travel the next day to the Canada East Regional Competition on a team from Ontario. This was an open aged group competition; I would be competing against athletes half my age, but knew I could hold my own. I awoke in the middle of the night in severe nerve pain down my left arm. It was the most pain I had ever felt, times ten. An MRI revealed that I have a large disc bulge in C5/6 and a smaller one at the C3/4 level. I was unable to compete in the Regionals and could not attend the CrossFit Games. My training (and my life as I knew it) changed drastically. For 3 years I had focused on CrossFit, my children were grown and living away from home most of the year. My teaching career was winding down and I had plans to make CrossFit my future as I looked forward to early retirement. I have been left with nerve damage and weakness in my left arm and shoulder area. I was told by my family doctor to “watch for signs of depression because that is what happens to elite athletes when they can no longer be athletes”. I was devastated and in incredible pain. Emotionally, I felt without a purpose. Previous to my injury, I would be told what an incredible role model and inspiration I was for athletes, women, girls, middle aged people, this occurred on a daily basis. “Who was I now?”; I thought, ‘just a has been”. I was given the book, The Success Principles written by Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul co-founder). I have never been one to read self-help or inspiration based books. I started to read this book and could not put it down. The very first principle jarred me out of my funk and into action! My reaction to this situation (my injury) will determine the outcome! Perhaps I can do more for people, motivate more, inspire more and give more due to this challenging journey I am on, than as a top ranked CrossFitter. My response to this injury will determine my future. I am taking 100% responsibility for my life and wish to help others as I help myself! I always felt I was put on this earth to motivate others and to role model dedication and determination. I feel there is a need and a place for a “Chicken Soup for the CrossFitters Soul” type of book. CrossFit has captured the hearts of millions of people, of all ages, abilities, genders and cultures. It continues to grow rapidly each day. The CrossFit community is like no other. Whether you are in the same “box” and train daily together, or you are on opposite sides of the world, this community will rally together to support each other. CrossFit binds people together; we cry together over losses and struggles, we rejoice together, we motivate and encourage. We fundraise for great causes and share stories on the internet to inspire. I contacted Jack Canfield with my idea, and although he has recently sold the rights for Chicken Soup for the Soul, he passed my proposal on to the current owners. Jack’s response and was for me to do this book on my own, regardless of whether Chicken Soup is interested. I am being mentored by a successful author and friend of Jack’s, Forrest Willet. Forrest suffered severe brain damage about 12 years ago. He has shattered all expectations in his recovery and is now an author and sought after motivational speaker. He is writing another book under the guidance of Jack Canfield and they often speak at conferences together. With this help, I will publish a book of inspirational stories of CrossFitters around the world, be it “Chicken Soup” or not. A portion of the earnings from this book will be donated to Spinal Cord Research. I can only hope that you read this email and see the value in my idea. I too am a person with a story, a struggle, a journey and a work ethic like no other. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any more information about me or would like to discuss my idea. Do you or someone you know have an inspirational CrossFit story to share? Respond to the email at the bottom of this post! Guidelines for Story Submissions: A successful submission is an inspirational, true story about CrossFitters. It is a story that opens the heart and rekindles the spirit. It is a simple piece that touches readers and helps them discover basic principles they can use in their own lives. These stories are personal and often filled with emotion and drama. They are filled with vivid images created by using the five senses. In some stories, the readers feel that they are actually in the scene with the people. These stories are written in the first person and have a beginning, middle and an end. The stories often close with a punch, creating emotion, rather than simply talking about it. The stories have heart, but also something extra—an element that makes us all feel more hopeful, more connected, more thankful, more passionate and better about life in general. A good story causes tears, laughter, goose bumps or any combination of these. The most powerful stories are about people extending themselves, or performing an act of love, service or courage. Keep your story to 1200 words or less. Your story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing. If your story is chosen, and the book published, you will receive payment which can be donated back to spinal cord research if you wish. At this early stage, I am not sure of the payment. I do know the Chicken Soup submitters were paid $200.00 each, but profited much greater by having thousands of people read about their experience, often leading to opportunities they never expected. I hope to hear from you soon! Kelly Graham [email protected] P.S. I am going to win the CrossFit Games in a few years, and it will be so sweet.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:33:45 +0000

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