It has been argued that atheistic evolution theory cannot - TopicsExpress


It has been argued that atheistic evolution theory cannot accommodate any standard of morality without borrowing from the creationist worldview. Though it is true that evolution theory is devoid of any moral compass, it is actually much more terrible than this. Atheistic Darwinism, via its nefarious doctrine of natural selection or survival of the fittest, actually calls evil good and good evil. Alpha dogs raping and murdering are what have preserved their gene pool. The consistent, converse corollary to this postulate is unmistakable -- the weak members of any race pollute the gene pool and jeopardize the future of that race. It was this twisted, perverse rationale that motivated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to pursue their eugenics program that was stained with the blood of the retarded, handicapped, and especially the Jews, who he believed were the lowest rung of human evolution and who were an impediment to the future genetic development of humanity in the delusional pursuit of the godless Nietzsches (Übermensch) or Superman. Atheistic evolutionism not only lacks a moral standard, it actually inverts morality calling pity sin and ruthlessness right. Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice. ~Adolf Hitler What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? Its a wonderful idea but perhaps not altogether a beneficial one in the long run. If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our species...Its terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. ~Jacques Cousteau I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin. ~Adolf Hitler Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. ~The Georgia Guidestones, harbingers of the New Age movement Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry. ~Adolf Hitler
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:33:41 +0000

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