It has been brought to my attention a few times over the last few - TopicsExpress


It has been brought to my attention a few times over the last few days that some of you saw the comments that Ricky left on a post about me. Just know that I dont know exactly what they said, because like any brave, respectful, not POS male, he blocked me before he commenced to his shit talking, that way he could make up and say whatever he wanted for the world to see and I couldnt see it or defend myself. Thankfully I have a few awesome friends who had my back in my absence. I happen to have messages from him over the past few months, almost a year, however, where he has begged for my forgiveness, told me over and over he is a moron for losing me, told me he wants his best friend back, that he is not good enough for me and he realizes that now, and over and over shot me an I love you message out of nowhere, to which I (always) told him to stop saying that to me. I continually told him I couldnt be his friend (though id talk to him because his words seemed sincere). If I was an ass, Id screenshot them for everyone to see, but an ass, I am not. Unlike him, I am beyond those games, and I find it rude to use someones feelings against them. I will say that just because someone wants rid of you, wants you gone, doesnt want anything to do with you, does not want to hear your name or see your face ever again, simply just wants you OUT OF THEIR LIFE despite your efforts of reconciliation, that does not mean lash out and disrespect them AND their family on social media. ESPECIALLY when they fed you, bailed you out of jail, stood by you through detention and diversion, stood by you through all of the dirty disgusting things you did to them, and basically took care of your sorry ass for about 3 years. It has been a good 2 years or so though since this ended (quotation marks because its apparently still not over to him). I should NOT still be this relevant to him. I understand a pretty little gem like me would be a difficult thing to lose, but damn. How do you get someone to go away? Please, someone tell me. This post is not for me and not for Ricky, but instead for all of you who have let me know of what was said. Thank you, and know that I am aware, and also that I am not too worried about it at this point, for any of you can see the idiocy. I hope that he can find peace and escape the nasty, miserable world he so pitifully lives in every day of his life. I am a happy lady at this point in my life, and I now know what it feels like to be treated with respect and actually cared about, and it is a wonderful thing. His words mean nothing, not just because hes a dumbass, but because... Well yeah, because hes a dumbass. Lol. The immaturity and trashiness of his comments are enough to whoever reads them, whether they know him or not. With all his talk about being real you would think if he sent me messages about his unfailing love for me, he wouldnt act completely opposite about it on social media. Or if wanted to say something cruel to me, he would say it directly to me. But I suppose my 115 pounds of mean scared him off. Or perhaps he has the mind of a 12 year old. Maybe both. Anyway. Just let this be a lesson to everyone not to let someone treat you the way I let that child treat me for so long. They will become an arrogant (for whatever reason), immature, annoying little thing that hovers over you for the rest of your life and will not go away no matter what you do. Seriously. It has been a long time and this little bug in my life is still here to annoy the piss out of me. It will never end. He is like AIDS. Forever is not always a good thing. Sorry for the novel.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:30:39 +0000

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