It has been brought to my attention that Joe Pietri, the one who - TopicsExpress


It has been brought to my attention that Joe Pietri, the one who pushes the 12-1 has accused me of being an informant for the FBI. Please be aware that, according to Pietri, Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, Steve Hager (publisher of High Times) and David Watson are all DEA informants. Here are his accusations. I am not giving who sent me this as I dont want Pietri to start slandering them too. Where something appears in these [ ] it means Ive either edited for better grammar with no change or Im commenting on what hes said. (Source) Pietri sayeth you broke bad in Michigan. He is calling you an FBI informant Publicly Wolf Segal Where is he saying this? (Source) I saw it shared bt raylakers. On green mountain station. Says you werent Arraigned for mailing 14 lbs to self. He says you are an admin on 420 people and an fbi informant. I would feel real bad if you are. But hey here i am reaching out Wolf Segal I was debriefed by the FBI in Detroit about a guy whose wife had called them because of my attempts to collect $20000 he had ripped me off for. In the next three days I told well over 100 people in the Detroit area cannabis community about what had happened.The debrief was by the FBI not the DEA, which is how I know where the problem came from. (Source) Hey man look I dont know you from Adam Im not trying to get a story idea...Peachtree plays the COINTELPRO part pretty well Wolf Segal They read me a list of every package I ever sent him and said they wanted to know everything I knew about him and that I would walk away from what they regarded as a petty bust. The guy had ripped me off and his wife had gotten me busted. There has been no bust out of it. Now ask Pietri about the debrief he did with the DEA in Nepal. He mentions it in his book. Wolf Segal Think about the fact that I told as many people about it as I did. A direct warning contact would have been obstructing justice. brb (Source) I unfriended pietri a cpl years ago i ask him nothing Wolf Decide for yourself. Not one person, was ever arrested or arraigned, including the guy the debrief (over 4 years ago) was about. (Source) Are you reading what he is writing (Source) I cant decide and feel i dont need the worry Wolf Segal Pietri has hated me ever since I physically ejected him from my house. (Source) He says you are violent lol says to call Loney. Sheesh, I can be violent too. Says you robbed a Liu qour store at gun point Wolf Segal Hes right. I am violent. Never on the liquor store. (Source) So whats the real beef, should i block ya both? Nothing personal. Looking out for#1 Wolf Segal I am violent when people prey on those who are weak and in self defense which includes people slandering me. The real beef was an armed robbery, of a heroin, coke and meth dealer, committed on day 51 out of a 52 day run, during my one visit (3 months) to the world of meth. Go check out what I do and decide for yourself. I help people all over the world to grow better. (Source) Me too on all that. I empathize. I lost a federal career with DoD. Went to prison for Shit. Meth fueled. (Source) I tagged you. [So I could read it myself, but the Admin. where it was posted wouldnt even let me read what had been said about me. Please cut and paste this to the Admin of Green Mountain Station]] Wolf Segal Thanks (Source) [Pietri claims his lawyer told him] one word from Segal [to Pietri] and the man is literally in prison for 5 years. [If you know Joe please cut and paste this. Then send it to him., tell him he needs to pray were never in the same place again. That direct enough, Joe?] Wolf Segal ?? (Source) Just read where i tagged you [Green Mountain Station.] He claims you set people up on Fb. Wolf Segal Really? Get someone to ask him for even one example. The above is an extremely mild version of what all he said in the first accusation. He claims his lawyer has paperwork on it. Pretty interesting since no such paperwork exists. If hes seen paperwork, why is he spelling my name wrong? He claims I agreed to testify against the person who ripped me off. Which was supposedly going to happen when? He claims Ive been working undercover in Oregon. Hmm, I wonder against whom? [Paperwork, Joe?] When asked to produce any proof of his claims, he didnt. (Because such paperwork is non-existant.) He concluded with a racial-slur against my ethnicity Decide for yourself. If you believe his lies, block me. I would. If you dont I would appreciate it if you would express that fact publicly.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:39:10 +0000

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