It has been easier in intellectual circles to research and discuss - TopicsExpress


It has been easier in intellectual circles to research and discuss angst, depression, morality, politics, economic agendas, etc. than to address a solution, well articulated by sages and seers from antiquity, who are very much alive through uninterrupted lines of teacher-student relationships, for sharpening our skills at better ways of dying. Since most topics gravitate around death brought about by illness or by another external force (accident or attack), something that from the capitalist standpoint has been exploited ad nauseum for maximum profitability and to boost the economy--though whose economy remains debatable--and few of the people who write about Nonduality, meditation, mystics, New Age pop culture entertainment and decorations care to unpack for most readers the profound world-within-a-world psychological, epistemological and ontological significance of simple terms like meditation for more rigorous practitioners... and rigorous here does not mean a torturous impositions--godforbid using the word discipline, so many hate it, it goes against the grain of being carefree and jolly. Rather, it means a kind of delightful immersion in the joys of meditation as the practitioner enters the observatory of inner wealth. First, for anyone to believe in themselves as capable of tapping into an observatory of inner wealth, they need to have activated dynamic creativity and imagination. Second, they need to have quite a stable connection with their capacity for observation. The observer, or witnessing self as it is called in Sanskrit, is the one who remains and emerges as subject of transformation from progressive spiritual maturity or experiences in meditation. What is meditation after you stand up and walk away from it? That one who walks out of meditation, you the observer, the agent, the learner and lover, and the peacemaker... the spreader of good vibrations, focus of love-light extending love-rays even while you are very capable of burning the toast or screaming at someone provoking you, that is the observer/witness of the observatory of inner wealth, aka Spirit unbound. How this has to do with the disaster of Fukushima and the possibility that all matter is mutating as we speak, as we read? It has to do with our inner observations and favorable deconstructions (neti-neti in Sanskrit, deconstruction was not invented by Derrida, the theory has deeper roots in Sanskriti culture, on which the french guy barely scratched the surface)... favorable deconstructions of death and dying as process of observation in meditative inquiry--vicharana. Who dies? Do I die? Or is is just the body that dies? And if I dont die, and just the body dies, then the question of Who am I? goes beyond the Greek empiricists search for self-knowledge... this inquiry leads to putting all grief, concerns, angst and depression over death and dying to rest. If this is so, it seems that this is a knowledge knowing which all else (that is to be known) is known. The Practice It is best for each and every one of us to begin a serious discussion of imminent massive transition and transformation from psycho-physical-spirit into energetic consciousness, which is surely happening at grand scale as we speak. Enthropy is one thing, what this points out to is a faster process, Im sure we are all perceiving it at some level... though, a few are too distracted to even notice. I hope we do not just sigh... I wish for all to be inspired and spiritually Awakened by the imminence of physical (materialistic) disaster. The practice is meditation. Breathing meditation, walking meditation, sitting meditation, speaking meditation, working meditation, driving and cooking meditations... Do you love? The question is not do you love someone or do you love yourself? The question is, do you love? Love is a force that impels movement, interest, delight, it has been observed as a power that drives all that is beautiful and lasting in all creation. A mother warming the food for her child is engaged in loving meditation. Loving is an attitude, and attitudes are deep rooted effects of meditative flow of mind (brahmakarvritti), or flow of thought to the Divine, the Absolute, Spirit, Goddess or God. Conscious or unconscious love is not self-contained, like the rays of the sun and the moon, love emanates spreading itself in all directions. It not only emanates in loving actions, it emanates in loving thoughts which are more powerful than atomic bombs. Remember that thoughts can provoke powerful joy producing endorphins in human body as well as a toxic brew of harmful substances. This reveals to us that thoughts are the subtlest units of matter, and as such we can use them as tools during our journey through this experience we call life. When you consider your attitudes as meditations in between meditations, where is death and dying? You are subtler than the subtlest. When you identify only with the body, you are bound to experience death and dying. When you identify with mind and emotions, you are bound to experience pleasure and pain. When you identify as the observer of the observatory of inner wealth, you enter into infinity? Infinity knows no beginning, no end. You are That!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:34:41 +0000

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