It has been long rumored that the British Financial System has - TopicsExpress


It has been long rumored that the British Financial System has hijacked the USG and controlled the emergence of the invisible US Shadow Govt, and has also been instituting a sophisticated counter attack on the “we the people” of the United States of America for a very long time, since right after losing the Revolutionary War. The massive War Making System run out of the Shadow Govt is an offensive system, but is still claimed to be Defense and operated under the Department of Defense (DOD). President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first to refer to this War Making System as the Military Industrial Congressional Complex (MICC) but his aides convinced him to remove the word “congressional” in his speeches to avoid damaging the Republican Party. It is obvious to anyone that looks and does some basic research that not only has the US Shadow Govt been manipulating the DOD and the visible USG to provoke and initiate numerous illegal, undeclared, unConstitutional foreign wars, but has also been engaged in numerous actions to erode the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, while literally asset stripping the American Citizens of all their wealth in order to do so. THE MIDDLE CLASS IN AMERICA IS SHRINKING LIKE A MELTING ICEBERG & THERE IS A CREEPING POLICE STATE PRESENCE...
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:27:03 +0000

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