It has been my goal to understand Ukraine’s revolution from all - TopicsExpress


It has been my goal to understand Ukraine’s revolution from all sides (from the anti-Maidan activists and hired thugs down to the most militant Ukrainian nationalists), and so I will post this Facebook profile update. We may not agree with the assessment here, but we should understand why some people are mourning the death of Sashko Bilyi (I actually have a friend, a professional historian, who’s already compared him with Robin Hood today, March 28, 2014.). An Anonymous Facebook Posting, Dated March 28, 2014 (translation from Russian by William Risch; apologies for rough translations of slang and idioms; thanks to Serhiy Bilenky for sharing this) I WON’T SAY WHERE I TOOK IT FROM. I’M SIMPLY REPOSTING. (about Bilyi) Sashko Bilyi was a good guy, the most honest kind of guy with a sharp sense of justice. He was desperately rude; he simply could blow up and curse somebody out – but then he’d calm down quickly. If he went by some place and saw a person known to be definite scum, he could order him to get out, and if he refused, he could grab him by the chest and throw him out. But he never offended the weak, and he never walked past if he saw that someone was being offended. Because of such a feeling for justice, he regularly went out on a limb and made a fool of himself (on reguliarno lez na rozhon i podstavlialsia). It was impossible to explain to him that some things that you do shouldn’t be advertised. He didn’t want to conceal and hide, because he believed that he was right. And he was right, but… in the end, there wound up those videos, like the one with the prosecutor, which they later used to frighten residents of Crimea, people who to the present have never seen Bilyi with their own eyes and never saw or knew of his existence. (No, if you think that a prosecutor when in office is untouchable and can continue to fabricate cases for money and ruin people’s lives, and that making complaints about him through official channels under the law means that the prosecutor only mocks you, then I won’t be able to convince you that Sashko had done the right thing.) He was completely honest. He wasn’t interested in offices, titles, or big money. You couldn’t talk him into or make him do for money what he regarded as “not according to my conscience.” When there was a revolution in Rovno, the people, enraged, did not kill cops, they did not set fires to things, and they did not destroy anything thanks to Bilyi, who took all responsibility upon himself, calmed people down, brought about order, and took events into a peaceful direction. Many greedy bribe takers would have faced a lynch mob with all the awful consequences had it not been for Bilyi. His whole life, he saved people who were threatened with retribution. It so happened that the latter happened to be the cops. And finally, I want to refute three pitiful invented stories about Aleksandr Muzychko. 1. Sashko Bilyi was not a mercenary. He fought in Ichkeria (Chechnya – translator) not for money, but for ideals. The idea was simple: as long as we keep Russia’s hands tied in the Caucasus, it won’t go after Crimea. Plus guys got the opportunity to undergo military training – they would go to prison for doing that at home. Time showed that he was right. Having finished off with our warriors, Russia intervened in Crimea. 2. Sashko Bilyi never tortured or killed prisoners, and he didn’t let others do it. All of that is an invention by Kremlin propaganda. He only killed people in combat. 3. The man in a sadomasochist video made known to me is NOT Aleksandr Muzychko, but someone completely different, not even closely resembling him. People like Yanukovych and his toadies, and also some representatives of the new regime, which the people have not trusted from the very beginning (it’s no accident that the Maidan following victory didn’t disburse), can be called internal occupiers here. I feel very bad that Sashko died from the bullet of the internal occupier, to the joy of the foreign one. But in any case, he left this earth with dignity. In battle, like a wolf, not like a lamb.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:23:34 +0000

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