It has been my passion to contribute to the welfare of students in - TopicsExpress


It has been my passion to contribute to the welfare of students in our university irrespective of my position of power. I plan to make the students union more students-centric, open and closer to every student irrespective of race, gender, religion or believe. I plan to make the union a hub of ideas where students will be free to contribute their opinions as with regards to what happens inside and outside of the Students’ Union. I wouldn’t just stop at campaigning against bad policies targeted at the students rather I will go a step further to ensure that the excess school fees paid by students are refunded as a matter of urgency. I believe the quality of education is possibly the single most important factor in a student’s decision to study at Lagos State University (LASU). From my experience at Lagos State University, we can certainly make improvement and I want to be an active part of that improvement process. My experience as a student of the University shows that most of the students feel insecure especially the non-indigenes who have to face challenges in a completely new environment in the center of excellence. They need help and support in various aspects. Students have so many problems that need to be indentified and addressed. I will not be sitting in my office, waiting for you to come and see me. You will find me among you, on the campus, to listen to you, in order to get what we want out of our Union. I’m planning to be a facebook friend, who is responsible to read and reply to your messages promptly and also the provision of suggestion box in all faculties where students can always drop issues bothering them as relating to our union and also recommend ideas that can help in the development of our union. I will operate open communication channels and serve everyone without discrimination, with a listening ear and a promising smile. Action executed when needed is much more significant than action executed when desired. As a passionate people’s person, I believe that doing what is required by students who looked up to you for help or assistance holds primary importance and come before what you think is right for student. As a PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANT for this year’s LASUSU election, I would like to bring to the notice of my fellow University mates at Lagos State University that I share the popular saying: ‘Let actions speak louder than words’ and I equally believe in serving in the best interests of all the students. In particular, I will aim to implement the following: I SHALL IMPROVE THE STANDARD OF THE UNION WEBSITE-These will be done by improving the features and make it more user friendly and effective. I shall make sure that it is worthwhile visiting the site anytime we log on and it will provide all the information we may need concerning the Union. WORK TOWARD A 24 HOURS LIBRARY ACCESS-I shall deliberate with the University authority to run a 24 hours library service at least three times in a week. TAKE THE STUDENTS’ UNION CLOSE TO THE STUDENTS-I shall always make time for students and be there to help them through the University everyday problems that occur with student life. This will be achieved by more visibility and surgery times every week to increase interaction with students. PROMOTE THE IMAGE OF THE UNIVERSITY-I shall benchmark the activities of Students’ Union with that of other respected institutions and work toward improving the standard that our Union maintains at the present time. Media tour will not be left behind to surgeon the relationship between us and to ask them to project the good image of the university. MAINTAIN THE STUDENTS- LECTURERS RELATIONSHIP-The students’- lecturer relationship requires more revision and I will work for a better understanding between the two, I shall ask for more time to be provided to students from their lecturers to aid in their understanding of their Course and Assessment. SWIFT RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT:- It is pertinent to note that crisis and misunderstanding is almost inevitable in the gathering of man, thus the popular saying “we disagree to agree’. It is also of utmost importance to note that the epileptic academic calendar that has bedeviled our ivory tower is as a result of crisis that could have been resolved within the roundtable. I therefore promise to maintain a cordial relationship between the management, staff and the students as such that when crisis pertaining to students occur, there will be swift resolution without any party feeling shortchanged. CAMPAIGN AND DEVELOP POLICY FOR RECYCLING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT- My campaign is not only about what the school can do for us, but the little that we can do to help the environment that we leave in. I shall campaign to ensure that the students adhere to the Waste Disposal policy in all relevant activities. I shall promote the recycling culture among the stakeholders of the University. Also I will ensure that waste bins are positioned at every strategic position of our ivory tower, so as to enable easy waste disposal, cleaner and healthier environment. HUMAN AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT- Its has become obvious that the Nigerian universities do not train students to become their own boss after school rather the universities train the students and throw them into a saturated labour/unemployment market after going through years of rigorous academic calendar. Therefore, there is the need for a shift away from the debacle paid jobs; more so, the Nigerian economy has become so discouraging that the best alternative is entrepreneurship. Therefore, I will like to inculcate a special training for our students where they will be trained and empowered independently and be prepared for life after school. The training will be aimed at human capacity development for self reliance and development. The training will include:- Bead making, continental dishes, computer training (Graphics and website designing, oracle and java applications) etc. We will partner with individuals and corporate bodies who are professionals in these fields to train our students and give them the best out of the programs. LASUSU STUDENTS’ SPORTS CLUB- Health they say is wealth, and exercise is an ingredient to good health. Therefore, I plan to partner private and public sectors in establishing a fitness training and gym centre in the sports complex of the university which will be available for all students of the university and it will also serve as a means of internally generated revenue for the union, in the means of registration fee. Being a students’ union sport club, an affordable fee will be charged for registration of member students and an identity card will be issued to student members as this will serve as a means of identification whenever such a member wishes to use the facility. SOCIAL LIVE RENAISSANCE- There is a saying that “all works and no play makes jack a dull boy”, I will work as hard as possible to make sure that the social life on campus is revived, socially oriented programs/events which tend to rebrand the image of our union and the university at large will be organized and students will be encouraged to partake in these events. The university environment goes beyond academics and there is the need to inculcate social programs into our curriculum as these will also help students who study theater arts, music etc, to showcase what they have been taught in the classrooms. As a person who is intrigued and interested by people from different backgrounds, I would want to make their University experience a memorable one. Hence, I will work prolifically in promoting better social and cultural harmony amongst students by conducting events and gatherings on a regular basis and I would like to create a friendly aura at the University. EDUCATION REJUVENATION- The academic life of our students remain paramount to our union and it should therefore be the hallmark of every union leader to make sure that 100 and 200level students of these great university have a solid foundation academically, I intend to work hand-in-hand with the vice president in other to bring to live the tutorial sessions for students especially the 100 and 200level students who are still fresh and new to the university system. The need to build a scholastic university environment is very pertinent to the union and I will work with the academic committee to make sure that we corroborate the work of our lecturers with tutorials. At this point I will like to point out that this might not be possible without the help of brilliant 300 and 400level students whom we intend to employ with the payment of stipends so they can be in charge of the tutorials while the vice president will be the supervisor of this program. Students often face problems with respect to their Time-Tables and other Course related issues which needs to be dealt with swiftly, efficiently and effectively. Thus, I would make sure that best possible Students’ Welfare is enabled by apt and suitable academic timetables, putting forth the students’ voice to the faculty and other subsequent higher authorities. LASUSU INTERNAL REVENUE GENERATION REVIVAL- I shall revive LASUSU internal revenue generation (LIRG). My aim is to integrate LASUSU transport sector into the mainstream. Provide better basic amenities and facilities (drinking water, affordable drink vending machines, cafeteria etc) which would improve a student’s experience at the University as well as improve union’s financial strength. I’m not going to tell you why you should vote for me in this election or say what qualities I have; I will either not use my position as Chairman of SAVE-LASU Movement; or my experience as NATIONAL PUBLICITY SECRETARY OF NAMLAS (National Association of Muslim law students); I will not use my extensive political activism in Union Election either, For I believe in your wisdom to judge for yourselves what, and whom I am.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:16:01 +0000

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