It has been said by many that quoting bible scripture does not - TopicsExpress


It has been said by many that quoting bible scripture does not make you a christian and that is true , many know of God and about miracles he has preformed but they dont know him on a personal level ... Being a christian means to ask Christ to save you and to live with in you it means we have to decrease to self so that God may increase daily in us. We are to be crucified with Christ, it means we are not perfect and will fail daily but his spirit with in will let us know and then we repent ask for his forgiveness.. It means we are to love others including our enemies we are to pray for everyone we are to show Gods love and kindness to all and we are to read his word hide it in our hearts so that we might not sin against him. We are to strive daily to be more like him , we are to remember that the ground is level at the foot of the cross that no one stands higher , we are to know that we are seen equal in Gods eye that he is no respector of persons we are not to walk around judging and thinking that we are better than others ... We are to forgive when people ask if not then God himself will not forgive us.we are to live by his words and thats not always easy but it is Gods way, we are to allow him to have control and to work through us so others can see him we are to treat each other with love and respect we are to ENCOURAGE others to do Gods will and to live by his Ten Commandments no matter who it is. We are to do whats right in Gods eyes and we are to humble ourselves and turn from our sin and we are to love and edify our brothers and sisters and we are all created equally by God therefore we are all brothers and sisters and we are to GIVE GOD THE PRAISE DAILY !!!!!!!! We are to TRUST HIM AND TO HAVE FAITH IN HIM FOR EVERY SITUATION IN OUR LIVES, I my self have just had to really learn that one but God does have control now!!!! We are to stand firm and faithful and we should not just give up and walk out,God does want us happy, but true happiness comes from him and trials come to us all to test our faith not to tempt us to walk away ... Taking the easy way out of things is satans way not Gods.. So I encourage all to love and trust God live for him daily read and hide his word in our hearts so that we can be more forgiving and loving especially to our enemies, God will deliver us from them and if you truly live for God then you will love and pray for them so they to can receive God and no longer be an enemy !!!! My love and prayers to all have a blessed day where ever you are !!!!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:06:01 +0000

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