It has been said that flight 370 Malaysia plane crashed in the - TopicsExpress


It has been said that flight 370 Malaysia plane crashed in the South Indian Ocean. Officials said a satellite found debris floating in the water however; the only stuff they have found is fishing equipment and other flotsam stuff NOT associated at all with Malaysia Airlines plane. Here is a quote from the latest news “An increasing number of ships are scouring an area of the Indian Ocean off western Australia after a new search zone was identified Friday, but the only objects scooped up by the vessels so far have been fishing equipment and other flotsam not connected to the Malaysia Airlines plane that crashed March 8 with 239 people on board” They have found absolutely NO proof of the plane crashing…NONE! So my question is how can they say such a thing to the loved ones who have people that were passengers and staff on that plane? On Friday authorities concluded that the plane could not have travelled as far as they had thought based on its estimated speed and fuel consumption. Family members want Malaysian government to apologize for it’s handling of the search for the plane and for the prime minister’s announcement that it crashed into the southern Indian Ocean. I agree…they had no proof to make such a statement! If there was a crash in the Ocean there would be tons of proof by now. Like life rafts floating to the top of the ocean, clothes, suit cases, seats…tons of stuff but nothing so far. It’s been 3 weeks! This is really fishy to me. What do you think?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:11:13 +0000

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