It has been said that people that have mental health problems are - TopicsExpress


It has been said that people that have mental health problems are closer to God. These people generally are misunderstood and a lot are judged on their actions when they are poorly. People that dont have mental health problems dont often see the struggles that folk with mental health issues go through. I as someone with Schizoaffective Disorder can say honestly, God has been there more for me when people who are meant to be the closest dont understand or seek ways to understand my illness. I talk a lot to God, like he is my best friend and he has answered my prayers 10 times over and over again! He has given me my gifts and guides me on using them. It is because of my belief and faith in him that I guess he gave me a little extra. When Im stable on my meds I can still hear him and I speak with him a lot to keep me well. He sends other visitors when they have messages to share also! I was very young when I first heard him, like 4 or 5 and since then he has been at my side through thick and thin, and guided me through some very troubled waters, he has made sure the provisions are in place so that I have recovered each and every time. In the good times I still hold his hand and thank him for never failing me. Thank You God and Amen xxx.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 18:09:45 +0000

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