It has been suggested that the words I spoke at Dominics Life - TopicsExpress


It has been suggested that the words I spoke at Dominics Life Celebration were meaningful and posting them would be appreciated. Here you are: Let me tell you a little about Dominic’s last day with us. The first words he spoke to me that day were “It’s a great day to have a good day.” We had gone to Indiana to honor another of the Sand, Sea and Spirit community. When we traveled we’d often stop along the way to see a sight that called to us. Cataract Falls, the largest falls in Indiana was one of those places. We had parked the car and walked across the parking lot to the overlook. There was a large ledge and a smaller ledge just below it. In his rush of curiosity, he was a step or two ahead of me and he decided to go to the lower ledge. As he did that, he lost his balance. He knew he was falling – and I believe he knew it wasn’t going to be for the physical body. I have come to realize that his Soul popped out as he released the envelope of this physical form. It was quick and instantaneous. May faith assures me that the Divine Hand was orchestrating. The next moments were harrowing and these are the images I remember best – the young woman named Bridgett with the magnificent hummingbird tattoo on her arm and shoulder. The desire for everyone around to do whatever they could “do” when there was nothing to be done. The kindness, respect and honoring of the officials as they went about the gruesome task of doing their jobs. Everyone’s tenderness and caring for me. The caterpillar that made its way three times to me before I got the message of “just changing forms, here” and all of you holding me in your sweet embrace as I ride my waves of grief. I’m going to be honest with you, one hand it sucks. And there is also the fullness of having had this gentle man, a true gentleman in my life. He so wanted, desired to make his mark in this world. He so valued community. He wanted the communities to be more interactive on a personal level and he has done it! Look around at the multitude of people here, check out the facebook pages – He was (is) the connector of so many. Dominic, my love, you were concerned that you weren’t living “your purpose” and I say not only did you live, love and laugh; you wove a tapestry that brilliantly shines forth. I am honored and grateful to be a part of that and I hope that all of you are too. So I carry him on my heart and he mostly brings a smile to my face as I appreciate his unique beingness. I invite you to do the same!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:35:41 +0000

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