It has been suggested to me that it is most likely an exercise in - TopicsExpress


It has been suggested to me that it is most likely an exercise in naivety to believe that a new regional library built in Okolona and right across the street from the Okolona Post Office and replacing the existing Okolona Branch Library might be called the Okolona Regional Library. Why, goodness, do tell us, Jim, how come that is considered such a stretch? That’s because the library “powers to be” apparently have long since decided the new facility replacing the existing Okolona Branch Library will serve more than those of us living in just Okolona and, therefore, should be named the South-Central Regional Library — a name so sterile and vague as to be all but useless. What’s so wrong about naming the new library after the community in which it is to be built? Is Okolona a dirty word, as community historian Louis Ray has asked in other Facebook posts? He makes a valid point. A similar sentiment to my own was posted here on Facebook a few days ago by a wag whose username slips my mind just now. When I recall who it was, I’ll give him credit due. Anyway, borrowing from his verbal construction, we can imagine this conversation: Jack: “Hey, let’s meet up at the Southwest Regional Library.” Jill: “Huh, where in the heck is that?” Jack: “It’s in Valley Station, and just off Dixie Highway.” Jill: “Oh, OK, everybody knows where Valley Station is.” And, before long, unless something is done, we can envision: Joe: “Let’s go to the meeting at the South-Central Regional Library.” Jane: “Say what? Where is ‘South-Central,’ located?” Joe: “It’s in Okolona, just off the Outer Loop.” Jane: “Oh, Okolona. Now that means something!” There was a community meeting held Wednesday, December 3, which a few of us locals attended. It was held at the Okolona Branch Library on Preston Highway in the middle of Okolona. Last night was advertised as a time and the community library the place for local residents to express concerns about a new library facility. There were only perhaps three dozen local residents in attendance, if even that many. A few came late. A few left early. Another dozen attendees were staff members of the Louisville Free Public Library system or Metro government representatives. We were shown a slide show of the recently opened Southwest Regional Library, just off Dixie Highway, and it clearly is an impressive, state-of-the-art facility. Our proposed South-Central Regional Library, we were told, would be every bit as exciting — but, unfortunately, just as devoid of a “sense of place.” After the slide show, we were invited to make public comments while a few library staffers took notes. While topics varied, it was clear that perhaps half of us were on hand in large part to object to the loss of “Okolona” in the library name. I was one of those, and I was a bit brusque in making that point, several times, as we readily could tell the discussion leader was anxious to brush aside the issue of the renaming as quickly as possible. Is the renaming simply a done deal? Of course not, though some would have you believe as much. Yet, since the Dixie Highway facility has opened under the Southwest Regional Library name, I concede there is some very recent precedent set, albeit bad precedent. Since the Belle of Louisville carries more tourists and conventioneers than local folks, should it be renamed, oh, I don’t know, the Belle of the large mid-American waterway? As I perceive it, the prevailing notion among the “powers that be” among library planners apparently is that now that the branch library in Okolona is blossoming into a regional center, it needs to have a more encompassing name, i.e., the South-Central Regional Library. In time, do you suppose the good ole “SCRL” will just flow across the lips! When time came for our brief comments, while seated near the front, I pointed out that the Kentucky Derby was not renamed when it grew into an international sports event. Nor has the Frankfort Regional Medical Center been renamed because it serves people outside of Franklin County. Nor was Frankfort renamed “Central Kentucky City” when it became the state capital. Biting my tongue, I resisted pointing out that the Outer Loop has not been renamed the South-Central Trans-County Intersector — at least, not yet. Similarly, Louisville International Airport, having grown into a major air hub, has not been renamed, e.g., North Atlanta, nor has the Louisville Regional Airport Authority seen fit to rename itself, even though we have air traffic from dozens of states and even some foreign countries. Is this merely a tempest in a teapot? Do most people really care one way or another about the renaming of our library? Probably not. But if that is the case, why not yield to the wishes of those of us who do care? What a novel idea! After all, ours is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” and not “versus the people.” I am now humming a few bars of the Battle Hymn of the Republic as background music. Clearly, some would hope this mild, civil and reasonable public expression of disappointment will blow over soon, even though it’s not like the funding sources would suddenly dry up if “Okolona” were to be part and parcel of the library name. I only wish this annoyance and embarrassment regarding the stiff reluctance to embrace the Okolona name would, indeed, gather enough momentum to be declared a passing storm. You might term our local citizen protest as a mere flash in the pan, but I doubt the modest turnout of protesters had even that much effect. But, I voted! After the meeting, Tina Lentz, Executive Administrator for Louisville Metro Community Services, came up to me and we talked briefly. She assured me that our concerns would be noted. That was nice of her. Note: In the photo, the hand symbol indicates the tract of swampland where the new library is to be built. And the facility shown in the left-hand portion of the photo is the South-Central Post Office. No, check that; why, that’s the Okolona Post Office — unless it is to be renamed, as well.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:59:57 +0000

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