It has been two months. Two months full of pain and sadness. Two - TopicsExpress


It has been two months. Two months full of pain and sadness. Two months of overwhelming grief. Two months without my mom, Cara Mellin Wetter. It really is hard to explain what the past two months have felt like; there are no words for it. But I can tell you these two months have changed my life. I knew that this time would be filled with change: going to college, moving to the east coast, starting a new job, and yes, losing my mom. What I did not know is that I would have a fundamentally different view of it all-- that I would see things in a different light, grounded in love. I will be the first to tell you that Im not very comfortable talking about love. In fact, I rarely told my mom that I loved her. On her last day, two months ago, I wrote a card to her in which I told her that I wished I had said I love you to her more often. She looked at me with not the slightest delay and told me that I never needed to tell her that because she felt it from me every day. We hugged for one of the last times, and I squeezed her so hard, trying to convey the amount of love I had for her. There is nothing more that I want than to just get one more hug from her, one more time I could see her glowing smile, but amazingly, her love still radiates. I hope all of you can feel it too. It is still difficult for me to recognize my mom is an angel, but I pray for the day that I fully come to terms with that. To mark the two months since her passing, Im posting the slideshow we played at her memorial service. Feel free to share with those who knew and loved my mom.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:59:11 +0000

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