It has come to my attention that a letter, addressed to The UN - TopicsExpress


It has come to my attention that a letter, addressed to The UN Security Council, has been drafted by Eliud Owalo to have political and economic sanctions imposed on the country over the implementation of the security ammendment bill. My response, in my capacity as an honourable citizen of this great country, is not inspired by any malevolent hostility towards the person of Eliud Owalo and the establishment he represents. Rather, it is informed by a befuddled puzzlement at how the opposition has evolved into a toothless, defunct, and lethargic outfit. It baffles me, how the CORD coalition capitalizes on key issues in an attempt to remain electorally salient. Let me inform fellow Wananchi that sanctions can only be imposed on the following grounds: 1. To force cooperation with international law, 2. To contain a threat to peace within a geographic boundary and, 3. By the UN Security council to condemn actions or policies of member states. Historically, the third condition has only been evoked to thwart arms proliferation and gross human rights violation. Clearly, this letter will be very insignificant! I want to express my confidence in the constitutionalised institutions in handling such domestic issues. I thank you!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:00:49 +0000

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