It has come to my attention that there are individuals out there - TopicsExpress


It has come to my attention that there are individuals out there who are running their businesses selling and advertising handmade items when in fact they have admitted to ordering in bulk from China made websites and then reselling them at a profit. I am extremely disappointed for a number of an artist myself I know full well how much work goes into each many times I rip it apart and start over because I want to get them just right. This is why you will often seen #wip (work in progress) photos on my page so you will know without a doubt every creation leaving my home is hand made by me. I do not have anyone else knit or crochet items for me which I then resell and I certainly do not order wholesale items and then deceitfully turn around and sell them as my own creations. Secondly, I am upset for my fellow handmade vendors and customers. Vendors who I know work just as hard as I do and customers who make every effort to shop local and support handmade business because it is something they are passionate about doing. It sickens me to know they are making a conscious decision to support a local artist only to learn their items are not what they thought they were. Today I learned that a crochet owl hat can be purchased for as little as $3.00 and later resold for $20-30 each. Dont believe wholesale crochet owl hat and see for yourself. Please, I implore you to do your homework....research the artist personally, ask to see your work in progress and be sure they can provide you with custom work. Lets continue support those handmade artists who endless hours, frustration, tears, triumphs and pride go into each item they create. I also just want to thank everyone who supports local handmade artists or handmade artists of any kind. You know me, you know I dont go on rants like this hardly ever unless its to educate and provide awareness to the handmade industry and the artists who are part of it. But this needed to be shared today.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:36:22 +0000

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