"It has come to our attention that our business is being conducted - TopicsExpress


"It has come to our attention that our business is being conducted behind closed doors under false pretenses and in such a manner as to keep the principal share holders, namely the citizens of the United States of America out of the loop and ignorant of what is taking place within the confines of OUR office buildings, our Capital buildings on all levels from Federal to City and County administrations. The following is a list of shortcomings for which you stand accused and will at some point in time be held accountable for. 1: High Treason and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors committed against the citizens of the United States of America! 1a: The passage of laws, regulations and improper additions to our founding document known as the Constitution of the United States of America. 1b: Committing the resources of this land to other nations who use these resources to benefit the presently rich and wealthy. To support regimes that commit mass murder against their own populace. To commit genocide against entire races of people or religious sects. 2: The continued practice of ignoring the law of the land as it was written by our Founding Fathers by continuing taxation without representation. 2b: Fraudulently altering election outcomes. 2c: Failing to protect the boarders of this Nation. 2d: You have as an administration not only allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to flood this Nation by entering it illegally all the while presenting them with the money, and the means to remove the ability of those who are legitimate citizens of this Nation to find, secure and maintain a livable wage. 2e: As a collective you have taken it upon yourself, without the consent of the American Populace to make mandatory a "health care plan" that is beyond the ability of the majority to obtain. In so doing you as a collective entity have given yourselves the "authority to convict and fine those who do not participate as though they have committed a crime. 3: You have attempted to force the American Public at large to accept, tolerate and condone that which we know to be against the most basic tenants of the faith in God that we as a Nation were founded upon."
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 03:34:04 +0000

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