It has consistently been demonstrated that, beyond all doubt, the - TopicsExpress


It has consistently been demonstrated that, beyond all doubt, the Rat Bastard in the White House is a serial liar, the depths of the corruption of his government are truly astounding, his incompetency in both foreign and domestic policy knows no bounds, and his work ethic, other than giving speeches full of lies and distortions, and fund raising, is nonexistent. Nevertheless, a full THIRTY NINE percent of Americans actually APPROVE of the job he is doing! Can you believe that? Thirty nine percent approve of his lies and the corruption and incompetency of his administration. Now let me draw a correlation. This administration is absolutely berserk when it comes to gutting the Constitution, particularly the 2nd Amendment. Rather than direct their efforts towards the lunatics who have used guns in their insane rampages, the focus on the guns as if those inanimate objects bear all the guilt for how they are used. So, why dont we focus on the mentally ill? Could it be that 39% of the population falls into that lunatic category? The crazies who would kill in as spectacular a fashion as we have been cursed to experience need to be locked up where they are no longer a danger to themselves or others. They must not be allowed to vote or procreate. Maybe the 39% who approve of pathological lying, malicious ineptitude, gross incompetency, and criminality in our government are also as crazy themselves as the psychopaths who kill scores of innocent citizens. Maybe we must face up to the fact that anyone that crazy needs to be put away, and anyone crazy enough to approve of the scoundrels in our government need to be put away likewise. (Unless they are here illegally, crazy or not. Those dear souls need to return immediately to their country of birth.) It is likely that a sizable portion of that 39% are illegal aliens anyway.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:40:58 +0000

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