It has finally dawned on me just now at 2:35 in the morning. Kaipo - TopicsExpress


It has finally dawned on me just now at 2:35 in the morning. Kaipo had told me something right before he passed: Mike I wont be here much longer, but you will meet someone after Im gone that Jehovah will help to learn about Jehovah and the truth. I dont know who it will be but it will be someone and it will happen , that Im sure of. He died not long after. Jehovah knew who it was back then and now I know who it was. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who it is. After all the Kaipo videos that went out to all the local people on this island who knew Kaipo. It was Lono and his wife. It couldnt be more obvious. This was one of Kaipos best friends who spent time locked up in prison with Kaipo for doing very bad things. Lono has a heart of gold just like Kaipo did. He has fallen in love with Jehovah exactly like Kaipo. I have known Lono for only a little over 2 months. When I meet him he scared me. He had so much pain in his eyes and I never saw him smile that day in Costco not even once. I gave him the video about Kaipo and he got so quit and to this day he cannot watch it. He loved Kaipo so much that it hurts to watch it. I know he will when its Jehovahs time for him to see it. After all the preaching I have been privileged to do, with Kaipo and now without him, this is the one that has made it all worth it. I thank Jehovah for first giving me a true brother and friend in Kaipo, but now for answering Kaipos prayer. All he would ask Jehovah is to please use his life in anyway possible to help others. I would hear him say this prayer everyday. That prayer is most defiantly being answered. Lono is the baby Kaipo. All those that will meet him will love him the same as we all did Kaipo. Honest, Loyal, and very very Loving from the heart. He is the answer to the prayer of Kaipo, and mine as well. Please if you are reading this and would keep praying for Lono to keep learning, keep digging for answers, and keep satan and his demons away from him and his family so his love for Jehovah God will grow. satan and the demons dont like him for the same reason they hated Kaipo. He knows what true Love and devotion is. Especially for JEHOVAH. And thats what they hate the most. They want to stop that from happening to all of us. Jehovah is doing some amazing things now. He is drawing all these great hearts, and he is doing it very quickly. I can not thank him enough. Thank you for even taking the time to read this. I Love you all. Wow the new world is going to be something when Kaipo wakes up and sees his best friend there smiling. Lono said when that happens he knows exactly what Kaipo will say: I Love you Boy.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:05:29 +0000

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