It has gotten so bad that the Canadian government has issued a - TopicsExpress


It has gotten so bad that the Canadian government has issued a public service announcement for its citizens warning them that American Road Pirates, aka police officers may very well rob them upon entry into the US. Since September 2001 there have been 61,000 incidents of road piracy on Canadian citizens alone; resulting in a booty of over $2.5 billion. In the US, “298 departments and 210 task forces have seized the equivalent of 20 percent or more of their annual budgets since 2008” according to the Post. Some might try and say that this money and property is obviously “taken from criminals” in order to rationalize this theft on a massive scale. However, as is evident in the case of Mr. Willis, the government does not have to charge you with a crime, let alone convict you, to take your property and after they steal your property the burden of proof is on you to get it back. Read more at thefreethoughtproject/cops-steal-18k-man-drug-dog-alerted-cash/#J7ufLgmrVQO4e5ms.99 thefreethoughtproject/cops-steal-18k-man-drug-dog-alerted-cash/
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:52:49 +0000

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