It has just been revealed that the government spies on - TopicsExpress


It has just been revealed that the government spies on Canadians’ private information once every 27 seconds.1 That means that 1 in 34 Canadians have had their sensitive information spied on by the government.2 Odds are that either you, your family, or your neighbours are victims.3 When questioned in Parliament, Prime Minister Stephen Harper refused to take action to defend our online privacy.4 Please tell Harper to stand up for Canadians now → The Harper government’s approach is: Irresponsible: We know that information collected by the government reveals sensitive details about your online activities leaving us more vulnerable to identity theft and cyber criminals.5 Out-of-control: They called on telecom providers to hand over information on our private lives 1.2 million times in 12 months, and have telecoms “building subscriber databases that bureaucrats can access at will.”6 Hugely expensive: You’re paying for the millions that this spying activity is costing taxpayers.7 We do not deserve this reckless collection of our sensitive information. Tell Harper to take responsibility and defend our online privacy now. →
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:51:03 +0000

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