It has never been my intention to offend anyone, nor trash what - TopicsExpress


It has never been my intention to offend anyone, nor trash what one believes, I have been where many of you are at present i your spiritual quest for truth. I realize that my own anger at times is heart felt at the level of not understanding how we can still be so blinded in this day and age. I was once this fun loving compassionate Christian, who for over 30 years preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all the while knowing inside myself there was more to story. I believe when you really want truth, more than your life, the information will be given. The difference in my former Christian life is that I took more than average time to compile factual information to prove or disprove certain truths.As i studied and learned I became very angry to find that we as a people had been lied to, and the truth covered in lies, secrecy and fantasy. Like many of you, the anger boiled over so much that I totally turned love to anger, not for people but angry that the entire world and nation had been bamboozled by religion. This forced me to turn away from religious doctrine completely, I kept asking myself how can they not see it, why are they refusing facts, but are willing to stay stuck in a lie? I traveled the world in search of truth, only awake one day and realize that truth can only found within us, The study of history also forced me to reevaluate all the things I was taught as I was raised be my parents. I studied every major and minor religion on the face of the planet, traveled to the far ends of the earth to prove what was right and what was wrong. It is my life experiences that have taught me to believe noting and question everything. Our great grandparents lost there freedom and dignity by being forced to accept something they knew noting about, and many today still feel the sting of that era. To my Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and Catholic brothers and sisters I salute you from where you are, and it my desire that each one of you will eventually find enlightenment in your lives, I seek not destroy but with love, kindness and compassion assist you in finding your true purpose and destiny. Dr. Michael J Thomas Phd
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:47:13 +0000

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