It has now been confirmed that tens of thousands of people from - TopicsExpress


It has now been confirmed that tens of thousands of people from West Africa come to the U.S. every month, and many of them are still not being properly screened for Ebola prior to entry. As many as 150 people per day, or 4,500 per month, continue to make their way into the country, says Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Tom Frieden, but Americans dont need to worry -- the government has everything under control. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson affirmed these number, explaining to CNNs Wolf Blitzer during a recent segment that traveler points of origin are easily tracked. In other words, the government knows full well the travel patterns of individuals coming to the U.S. from places like Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea but is stalling any sort of restrictions that would help protect Americans against infection. When somebody travels from one of those three West African countries, even through a transit point (in Europe), we know where theyre coming from, stated Johnson. So were able to track this. And we know that on average its about 150 passengers a day. CDCs Frieden: 150 people isnt really that many While it technically only takes one infected person to trigger a pandemic, the CDCs Frieden believes that 150 potentially infected people traveling to the U.S. every day isnt really all that concerning. Updated travel restrictions at a small handful of U.S. airports, he says, should be enough to prevent any spread of infection. The number of travelers is relatively small, Frieden is quoted as saying by CNS News. Were talking about 150 per day. ... 95 percent of all the 150 travelers per day who arrive from these three countries will be checked for their temperature and given questionnaires, he added. Ebola symptoms can take weeks to emerge This is the same Frieden, of course, who expressed his confidence several months ago that Ebola would never come to the U.S. in the first place. Now that it has, he insists that the public remain calm and trust his infinite wisdom on the matter, which is ever-evolving as each previous claim proves to be false. In truth, Ebola symptoms can take weeks to emerge -- up to 21 days -- as the virus incubates in its host. Even after minor symptoms develop, it can take two or three days for Ebola to show up on tests, another fact being ignored by the CDC. But dont worry, America, Frieden and the rest of the gang has your back! Any screening... that relies on truthful responses to work is destined to fail. Especially when telling the truth means quarantine for you and your family in a horrible place full of dying people where you are assured of contracting the disease if you dont already have it, wrote one CNS News commenter about the dilemma. Even if half of the people tell the truth that means 70 people a day are coming in to the country with the potential to infect others. ... There is no containment, there is no cure, there is only a big... problem looming on the horizon
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:13:45 +0000

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