It has to stop somewhere, why not here and now?... My public - TopicsExpress


It has to stop somewhere, why not here and now?... My public apology; This is a public apology to my fellow Kiowas including those who have caused me the need to publicly defend myself, my family and my dog from many hurtful, hateful and painful personal attacks... I apologize for having the need to bring to light the true culprit, the corruption that has plagued the Kiowa Nation like a cancer, killing what our ancestors have fought and died for, stripping the Kiowa people of both their Inherent and Constitutional Rights, tearing the Kiowa people apart causing more separation between our own, wreaking havoc causing each and every Kiowa member to suffer the consequences just so a few can gain and prosper at the expense of the Kiowa people as a whole... My intent was not to disrespect, show hate or bring ill feelings to any... My only intent is to do what is right for the people as a whole... I may have come off wrong to a few of you in the beginning, but it has been almost 4 years now and I truly feel that the people can see, I am not against them. I feel they can see that I honestly want what is in the best interest of ALL Kiowa people, I want a safe, secure and stable future for all no matter who you are or where you live, and that includes those who are not even born yet... I want what is best for everyone... It is not me who is choosing what is best and what isnt, it is the Kiowa people who is doing this... I listen to them, I hear their cries of what they want and need... I do not ignore them... Anyone who listens to them will hear it too.. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the Kiowa people. I am not responsible for anyone who chooses to do wrong... But I am responsible for myself and as a Kiowa Tribal KIC member to take my responsibilities as part of the Governing body of the Kiowa Nation to stand up and take control of a bad situation, and to do all that is within my power to correct it and bring positive things to the Kiowa people... It is all KIC members responsibility to stand up and take control of the bad situations and to help make the proper corrections when and where they are needed... Our Creator gave us that responsibility, and he expects us to do what is right and all we can to protect what has been handed down to all of us... His will is for us to have a stable, healthy and prosperous future... That is why he has placed us here... Mother Earth is our provider and as we work to protect that, we must also work to protect each other... Ah ho, DAW-KEE for providing me with the ability to stand up and do just that... Ah ho for providing me with the love and the vision of a safe, peaceful, loving, union of compassionate people who all care about our people as a whole... We all have the ability to learn, we all are taught during our first and early years the differences of right and wrong... Life has many things that can sometimes derail some peoples ways of thinking and society alone offers much to deter those things that mean the most... Life is not easy at times and those are the times when we must all forget about the personal feelings that may have been bruised by others, sometimes they know not what they do... We must all remember that LOVE is stronger than any negative that can be placed before us... DAW-KEEs will is for us to love each other no matter what... Satan lost his battle against DAW-KEE because he lacked the one and only power that tops all - LOVE... With that said, I forgive all who has personally attacked me with hate, maybe it is just out of fear, maybe it isnt... No matter what the reason is, it is I who has the ability to forgive, to love, and to respect DAW-KEEs will... It is I who controls how I allow other people and life issues to affect me and I apologize to all of you, I should not have lowered myself to that level... Most of all, I apologize to all my fellow Kiowa people for even entertaining those things in such a way that may have or may not have looked as if I too was being hateful... I love all of you equally, I respect all of you just the same... I know I do not have to pay attention to the negative in such a way that I fall subject to such a low level of partaking of such pitiful actions of belittling others just because they have different beliefs or feeling than I do. That was never my intent, and I honestly do respect others and their opinions. I could have just pointed out what I myself sees as being wrong no matter how many personal attacks it brings against me... I know others are not blind, and those cries I hear should have been enough to understand that most others see and want the very same that I do for all of us as a whole... I offer all of you my true love and equal compassion, I hope that you can appreciate me and all I am trying to do for you as a whole... I ask for your forgiveness if I have offended you in any way whatsoever... With this said, I will continue to fight this battle, and I will do my best to do this in such a way that it no longer offends anyone... I ask that you all unite & join me and others who feel the same in our efforts to do what is right and in the best interest of our people as a whole... Ah ho...
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 01:18:34 +0000

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