It hit me as it always does this time of year. You can never be - TopicsExpress


It hit me as it always does this time of year. You can never be sure when. It could be at the first sound of Christmas music or when Christmas decorations are being retrieved from the attic. It might be when you see that grandmother and grandfather holding hands as they walk down the street. This year as in the past two my wife did most of the shopping and decorating. She did a fair amount of cooking too. Ive been sick on and off for about four weeks. Ive had just about every variety of crud going around this year. Lying in bed can strengthen the body, but it can wreak havoc on the mind. It seems at times one can get trapped in heavy waves of what was or what should have been - instead of what is. Were all good at hiding it for a while and then - there is that something that brings it all to the surface. It can manifest itself as tears or anger or impatience or an unkind word. Yesterday I was missing my mother and father who have long since left this big blue ball. I was also missing number one son, Austin Turner who is safe and sound in Honolulu helping keep us all - safe and sound. I am and have been thankful that three of my boys and my wife are here. All of us in one house with the Christmas lights shining and the dogs beneath our feet. I must admit that its hard to focus on the mundane day to day chores when Momma and Daddy are on my mind. The thoughts are mostly good, but I would be lying if I said there were things I wouldnt change. Id stay a little later and help him drag that last load of wood up from the bottom with the tractor. Id think twice before I said Momma, I told Phil I would meet him at the bowling ally in thirty minutes. Why was I alway in a hurry to get somewhere else? What I would give to see Momma and Daddy dance to a Ray Price song in the living room one more time. What I would give to ride with Daddy one more time as he coasted up to a house early in the morning - where he would quietly place food and clothes on a porch of someone in need? What would I give to see Momma feed the entire neighborhood that just happened to stop by unannounced - at supper time? Talk about loaves and fishes - I saw that miracle several times a week. Ive snapped at a few people this week while I have had Momma and Daddy on my mind. Today I will apologize and try to be a little more like Momma and Daddy. ...and heres the song they would have been dancing to.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 09:43:32 +0000

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