It is NOT ok for the NFL to investigate itself we can all agree on - TopicsExpress


It is NOT ok for the NFL to investigate itself we can all agree on that right? But it IS ok for the government to investigate itself like they did on 9/11?!?!?! That doesnt make sense. Did you know that 3 buildings collapsed on 9/11 and that 2,254 architects and engineers site peer reviewed forensic evidence of controlled demolition in all 3 buildings? On this anniversary of 9/11, lets show respect to the ones who died by helping to spread the truth and some facts: All 3 buildings collapsed at free fall or near free fall straight down almost entirely symmetrical. In the case of building 7, it fell at free fall for the first 100 ft. And almost free fall in the case of the 2 towers. All the buildings showed no DECELERATION. That means it didnt slow down. It accelerated the whole time except for towards the very end when it came to a rest. Laws of gravity show us that gravity is directly related to MASS. In the case of the two towers, how could a smaller mass accelerate through a larger mass below. which is built to hold at least 3 times the weight of the floors above, at 2/3 the rate of gravity without physically blowing apart or cutting the beams of the floors below? You cant. Thats why we want a new investigation. In the case of building 7, the facade of the building fell at free fall for the first 100 ft. Proving there was nothing in the way until 3 seconds after the collapse. But still accelerated through the greatest path of resistance symmetrically for the entire collapse with NO DECELERATION. But there was 40,000 tons of structural steel in the way. How could it do this without dismembering the steel frame? You cant. Which is why we want a new investigation. In the case of the 2 towers the math shows that 90% of the floors below the damage were not there during the collapse. Thats why there was no deceleration. And there was no evidence of stacked floors as they suggest, so that claim cant be made. The only reasonable theory is that the floors below were blown to rubble and the tiny 10% resistance to the upper floors was the rubble it was falling through. BTW I confirmed building 7s free fall through the Tracker Physics program. If you would like to see that evidence, you can go to YouTube and type in Dyers Free Fall. Its in HD so make sure your player is set to that. Then throw in the physical, and video evidence of molten metal pouring out of the North Tower, suggesting and exotic accelerant like thermite could have been used to cut the steel. Which the peer reviewed evidence shows was the case. Which is why we want a new investigation In NISTs report they dont really cover anything after the initial start of the collapse. Their research stops after initiation of collapse by omitting evidence and blueprints. And actually flat out lying about the evidence, and call it unexplained. This is why it wont pass a peer review and hasnt been peer reviewed. Everything about 9/11 can be explained through science and a REAL, INDEPENDENT investigation. There is soooo much more. Here is a list of PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES concerning the ACTUAL truth about 9/11. Peer reviewed, and using the scientific method which NIST did not during the investigation. And this is why most people dont believe the science that comes from the government anymore. Because the media and government is not letting this information out. They twist the science and call it fact, and then try to discredit anyone who stands in their way. Then use the same 5 scientists that are part of the plan to convince you through the media that they had a thorough investigation. Just like they do for many things. To further their agenda. They have infiltrated the top levels of media. Thats why most anchors are commentators, not journalists, spewing what is given to them. The real work is edited through the editor in chief. Which is likely a plant, or is threatened not to print certain stories and to play the game correctly to further their cause. This is why the New York Times will not print this PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC research. What is their agenda? A NEW WORLD ORDER. The goal is to make a fascists dictatorship. The fascist part is already there. Just look at an article of a study I posted earlier in the month from Princeton University showing proof our government doesnt work for the people. Now put in all the laws they implemented after 9/11....NDAA....Patriot Act....etc. We are already close to a dictatorship. When Obama can bomb people without congress consent, that is on the verge of dictatorship. 9/11 is the one event that has enough forensic physical proof that our government doesnt work for us. It is the same thing the NAZIs did. The same propaganda. Create an enemy through a false flag operation to get support from the people to go to war. For those of you who still are in denial, FOR GODS SAKE MAN, QUIT BEING A FOOL AND EDUCATE YOURSELF WITH SCIENCE, and understand it!!!! Otherwise you just perpetuate their agenda. journalof911studies/articles.html
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:39:28 +0000

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