It is Tick Season Lyme disease is transmitted to your pet - TopicsExpress


It is Tick Season Lyme disease is transmitted to your pet through the bite of a deer tick. Once in the bloodstream the Lyme disease organism is carried to many parts of the body and is likely to localize joints. Many dogs affected with Lyme disease can develop a high fever, stop eating, become lethargic and/or start to limp. Some pets are infected with Lyme disease for over a year before they show any symptoms. By this time the disease may be widespread throughout the body. For those reasons, the Escanaba Vet Clinic encourages you to have your pet 4DX tested (a blood test that tests for Heartworms, transmitted by mosquitoes, Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis; all three transmitted by ticks) Lyme vaccinated and also encourages you to use Frontline Plus on a regular basis to help prevent the spread of Lyme disease. If you have any questions on whether your pet is protected please give us a call. The ticks are out! Right now you can purchase 3 doses of Frontline Plus and get 1 dose free or purchase 6 doses and get 2 doses free. We recommend that you apply Frontline Plus every 30 days March-December.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 13:50:40 +0000

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