It is Tuesday 6th January 2015 and almost the end of the first - TopicsExpress


It is Tuesday 6th January 2015 and almost the end of the first week of the year 2015. For me it is a moment of peace and quiet after what has been a rather tumultuous year. Thinking back, I do not think the tumultuousness of my year actually showed in my Facebook posts during 2014. Why? Because we are generally not in the habit of putting too much out there, in case people learn too much about us. I think I put more out there than most because I really dont have too much that is private in my life. The things that I have to, or try to keep private are generally not my affairs and concerns, but other peoples. This year I have pruned some of my fb friends because I am always getting into trouble for disclosing something that was private to them, something that I had not realized WAS private. It seemed easier in the end to remove myself from their ambit of operations, to avoid future offenses. This of course cuts me off from them and I lose the ongoing contact that fb permits. I can remember years ago I used to get angry with my mother because she would not keep the things I spoke to her private. Then I realized that it was my problem, not hers. I determined, from then on, to only tell her those things that I was happy to have shouted out from the housetops. Then, if my dear Mum disclosed something that was private to me, then it was my responsibility, not hers, and I would never have to tell her off ever again. I made for much better relations between us. I sat thinking these thoughts on a bench on the seafront at Henley Beach this morning. What an amazingly beautiful day. There are quite a lot of people on the beach and no wonder. The water is flat calm and a deep blue in places and a pale blue in others. The sand is white and shimmering on the beach and in the dunes and the foliage is often dark and mysterious and in my imagination peopled with little people who scurry around in the forests of the dunes. I dont think I ever grew up. So many of the stories in my head are about children and fairies and little people, and I am 75 years old for goodness sake. I like to sit here for about half an hour or so and let the sun bite into my skin, providing me with the Vitamin D that I am lacking. I think of all the thoughts in my head and put them into dot points so that I can review them for my diary when I get home. It really is wonderful being retired. Most of all in this first week of 2015, I am thinking of all the things I am grateful for. There have been some miracles in my life this year. Things I believed would never happen, have happened and I am very grateful. Most of all I am grateful for those family and friends who love me in spite of my many flaws and failures, and I am mainly thankful to God for keeping me well and safe throughout 2014 and into 2015.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:24:35 +0000

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