It is a comforting thing to recognize the patters of the Lords - TopicsExpress


It is a comforting thing to recognize the patters of the Lords work in daily life. The Bible provides testimony after testimony of the Lord dealing with His people and exposes the work that God does to fulfill His will. The reason that the Lord provides this information is so that believers can learn to recognize the patterns of Gods work; and in recognizing the patters of Gods work, one can be comforted knowing that God is at work. However, the only way that one can learn to recognize the patters of Gods work is if one is familiar with the Lord. The only way one can become familiar with the Lord is by nurturing a relationship with Him and abiding in the Lord. Today, the way that God instructs His people to nurture relationships with Him is through His Word. In Genesis 41:17-36 the Bible explains the events that took place when Pharaoh called for Joseph in hopes that his disturbing dreams could be interpreted by Joseph. The scriptures explain that Pharaoh explained the situations about his dreams to Joseph at which point Joseph stated that the only way Pharaoh would receive peace regarding the interpretations of his dreams was by God. Joseph told Pharaoh that only God could interpret dreams, and so Pharaoh would have to trust the words of the man of God in order to receive the word of God. Evidence in Pharaohs trust is demonstrated by the fact that Pharaoh proceeded to tell Joseph the dream. The Bible explains that Pharaoh restated the dreams to Joseph. He told Joseph that he had two dreams. He told Joseph that one dream was about 7 sickly and ugly cows eating up 7 good and healthy cows. He told Joseph that the other dream was about 7 heads of good grain being destroyed and devoured by 7 heads of blighted grain. As Joseph responded, the scriptures reveal that he responded with confidence. Joseph did not speak as a man that was guessing about the interpretation. Joseph spoke as a man that knew exactly what he was talking. Joseph previously explained that only God could interpret dreams, but Joseph was confident to speak about the dreams and interpret them because of his relationship with God. The interpretation that Joseph provided was not good news. Genesis 41:17-36 explains that God was going to do a powerful work in the land of Egypt. Joseph explained to Pharaoh that the 7 good cows and the 7 good heads of grain were representative of 7 years since both dreams were actually continuations of each other. Joseph explained to Pharaoh that the 7 years were representative of 7 years of flourishing in the land of Egypt. Joseph explained that the Egyptians would experience a mighty increase in the yielding of the crops and their produce so that they would have an incredible and immeasurable overabundance. Joseph then explained that the 7 ugly cows and the 7 blighted heads of grain were representative of 7 years of famine that would immediately follow the season of increase. Joseph explained to Pharaoh that the 7 years of famine would be so severe that it would completely destroy the land such as had never been seen before at that time. These realities put the Egyptians and surrounding nations (including Josephs family) in a difficult position. Knowing that 7 profitable years were coming ahead was one thing. However, the people were forced to deal with the reality that 7 years later, the greatest famine known to mankind at the time was going to strike. Yet, since Joseph understood the Lord, he was able to recognize His work, and was prepared with the wisdom of God to endure the Lords work. After giving the interpretation of the dreams, Joseph stated to Pharaoh how he should deal with these things. Joseph stated that it would be wise for the Egyptians to hire a man to oversee the collection and distribution of wheat and grain during the 7 years of flourishing. Joseph suggested that Pharaoh tax the people a fifth of their produce during the 7 years of increase so that it could later serve as a reserve for the seven years of famine. The scriptures state that Pharaoh considered these things, found them to be good and true, and thus, put Joseph in that position. It is important to consider the circumstances of this testimony. It is one thing to recognize that good times or bad times are coming. It is another thing to acknowledge that God is in charge either way. It is yet another thing to recognize the patters of Gods work within the good and bad times, and maintain a proper attitude trusting the Lord in seasons of increase or despair. When the apostle Paul said, he could do all things with Christ who strengthens him, he was referring to these types of circumstances. Paul first stated that he had learned how to manage while there was increase and he had learned to manage while there was extreme depletion. Pauls point was that he had learned to recognize the hand of the Lord in all types of circumstances so that he was able to press on and do his work in ministry no matter what. Paul was able to execute his job as a servant of Jesus whether there was money for the ministry, or not. Paul was able to execute his job in ministry whether he was a free man or in jail. Paul knew the character and nature of God so that he was confident in Gods purposes. Paul had learned to recognize the presence of God in certain situations. Paul had learned to recognize Gods movement and activity in certain situations; and since Paul understood Gods ultimate motive to do good for His people, Paul had comfort and peace in spite of circumstances. The prophecy of Joseph was going to result in 7 miserable years of famine. For some, that might cause great panic and reason to fear. Those responses are not evident in Joseph in Genesis 41:17-36. Instead, Joseph was able to stand before Pharaoh in confidence, knowing that the God who would bring the increase in Egypt, would also bring the famine, but so long as one trusts in the Lord, one is sure to be taken care of. Joseph learned this truth through the circumstances he had to deal with as he was sold into slavery by his brothers, wrongfully accused by Potiphars wife, wrongly imprisoned by Potiphar, and forgotten by the butler of the Pharaoh while in prison. Joseph learned that no matter how things appeared in the physical world, God was always with Joseph and was able to bless him and provide increase. Thus, Joseph trusted in God so that the thought of famine didnt frighten him, thereby allowing him to respond confidently with the wisdom of the Living God about how to deal with the reality of a famine. The scriptures show that, whether there was increase or there was famine, the character and temperament of Joseph was constant. He didnt respond in any dramatic fashion either way, understanding the presence and work of the Lord. Hence, Joseph was able to just do the work that God ordained him to do, say the things that God ordained him to say, and fulfill the purpose that God had ordained for Joseph to fulfill - nourish the people of Egypt for the glory of God. God bless yall! --Bside--
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:14:51 +0000

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