It is a lie most of us have believed our whole lives...If I give - TopicsExpress


It is a lie most of us have believed our whole lives...If I give away what I have I wont have any more. I think It is easier to give out of your poverty then out of your wealth. People who have little know what it is like to have little and so they give. Now I have never been wealthy and so may be talking out of ignorance here but it seems to me that the wealthy are wise with their money so they dont like to spend it on unprofitable things. They have worked hard for their money and expect others to do the same. They give to organizations who do the work of charity and so they wont give it directly to a person in need because they are paying others to do the work. I dont blame people who are wealthy for resenting the fact that they work for their bread and some refuse to and mooch off their labor. I made a deal with God a while back...If God brings me a need and I can fill it I will. If I am asked for money,food or time I will do it and trust God to make up the difference for my family. The reason I mentioned it is because when I made myself available to God He has brought some amazing opportunities for giving that has changed lives! Trust me when I tell you that giving though certainly not easy because unlike God our storehouse can be empty brings rewards that storehouses cant hold! So for me learning how to be a giver was actually an easy lesson. God did not have to squeeze money,food or time out of me I was happy in my giving. For me the harder lesson is learning how to be a good man. I am good at relationships but horrible at earning money. My family suffers because I have not learned how to be a man. Wouldnt it be nice if all life and God required was to just give away all your stuff and then you will be godly?!?! That would be easy!!! Stuff does not have a hold on me so giving it all away... pffft NO PROBLEM! Learning how to be a good man...No clue how to do that. Giving is easy...It does not require work just obedience.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:36:58 +0000

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