It is a part of our faith to believe and respect Jesus as a - TopicsExpress


It is a part of our faith to believe and respect Jesus as a powerful messenger of God. But a Muslim, in no way, cannot wish someone saying Merry/Happy Christmas. Why? Because it tells others that either youre a Christian or you dont find anything wrong in saying so. Therefore you agree that Jesus(pbuh) was born on 25th of December, when CE begins. But it is completely wrong as theres no evidence from the Bible and any other authentic historical sources to support this argument. Furthermore, this is absolutely ridiculous when you do that as a good gesture. Remember, people in the West dont bother as a very few people youll find are practising Christians. You can check with any Christian of your contacts whether this is right or wrong. All they care about is, if you are caring, productive and beneficial to their society. And being a practising Muslim I am proud to say that Islam has all the elements to prepare a person as one of the best citizens of the West.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:32:19 +0000

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