It is a well known fact that Christian missionaries sole mission - TopicsExpress


It is a well known fact that Christian missionaries sole mission in India IS TO CONVERT ALL INDians thru MILLIONS OF FOREIGN FUNDING is channelled into the so called NGO who run charity institutions now under the cloak of minorities getting constitutional protection and are driving thing which are inimical to the long term interests of the country and its citizens. There is a significant amount of investments done in Schools and colleges, media and the so called charitable instiutions are the vehicles of the grand agenda. Now we have seen that as a country the western education has blinded our glorious past backed effectively by a media which is Christian controlled which cries in the name of secularism but hurting the most tolerant and modern faith and religion in the world. Our beliefs and values had been systematically degenerated through the cultural invasion of west . A systematic agitational agenda by these same forces which mobilises public opinion in the name of secularism and systematically attempts to override any attempts bring back our cultural roots and ancient wisdom ( conveniently dubbed as Hindutva ) had been inimical to our long term interests of well being and probably wants India to be subservient to foreign forces whether from west or muslim. India need to control this first to move forward and bring in accountability of these institutions. It is seen more than 90% of the NGO and trusts do not file or report funding and their activities. All major public opinion in terms of faith, progress are driven by these which had resulted in policy paralysis of the previous govt.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:00:28 +0000

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