It is a well-known fact that birds of a feather flock together. - TopicsExpress


It is a well-known fact that birds of a feather flock together. If you want to know who you are, look at the 5 people closest to you. Closest meaning who do you hang out with the most, who comes to your home most often, who do you confide in the most, etc. If they always have drama in their lives, are always sad, are always angry, have a bad attitude, never have money, etc. you can almost BET that you have a lot of those same qualities. Why do I say this; am I trying to put you down or discourage you? No, I tell you this for two reasons. #1 - When you start bettering your life and you begin to lose friends, it shouldnt surprise nor discourage you. Your strength reminds them of their weakness. Your success reminds them of their failures. You no longer belong in their flock. As long as you were in the same boat with them, everything was great. But now, they dont want to hang out with you, even if you want to remain friends with THEM. #2 - You can take this opportunity, now that you know about the 5 closest people in your life reflecting who you are yourself, to take CONTROL over that. Consciously CHOOSE who your closest friends are, or which family members you spend the most time with during your days and nights. Even if you are NOT where these people are yet, surround yourself with people who are living lives that you admire for whatever reasons. Dont distance them because you dont think that you fit in. The more that you hang out with them, invite them over, frequent the places that they frequent, and join them in doing what they do, the more you will begin to THINK like them. Before you know it, the more you will BECOME like them and have what they have. It works both ways. Stay encouraged. This is your life. You choose how to define it.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:19:33 +0000

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