It is absolutely Puuuuuurrrrrrfect...that I share these videos - TopicsExpress


It is absolutely Puuuuuurrrrrrfect...that I share these videos which display my past emotional Struggle and pain and my triumph over its psychological Challenge. I would just like to simply ask all my BroStars & SiStars which version you prefer/cuts deepest into your Heart and to vote in the comments below...Immense Gratitude for your feedback!!!...Infinite Blissings... 1) Betrayal & Forgiveness~Raw Cut: https://youtube/watch?v=4t5RFZrwg8Y or 2) Betrayal & Forgiveness: https://youtube/watch?v=gTbDhE-1Hqk ~ 1 Ahau / Ajpu — The Trecena of Illumination Nagual of the sun, Ahau, or Ajpu in K’iche’ Maya, epitomizes heroism in all of its forms—whether it’s the legendary Hero Twins of the Mayan creation myths, physical victory in a battle or athletics competition, triumph over a mental or psychological challenge or issue, or conquering emotional struggle or pain. In line with these concepts, Ahau represents the blowgun hunter, the activity of hunting, death, and struggle; in fact, the glyph itself displays the face of the hunter with his lips pursed, ready to use the blowgun. This powerful day sign also symbolizes leadership and intuitive power, in their many forms: a chief or leader, a president, a CEO, a prophet, a spiritual warrior, psychic or diviner. On the negative side of heroism, Ahau represents hate, enmity, rage, and vengefulness. It is also the nagual and patron guardian of flowers, and governs solar and lunar eclipses. Ahau’s animal totems are the eagle and the human being. In the Classical Maya tradition, it is associated with the cardinal direction South and the color yellow. On Ahau days, the Maya ask for wisdom, talent and physical strength and fortitude. Ahau helps us attain security and certainty, and to plan and achieve our goals and aspirations. This is the day of mental and psychological tests and challenges, and the day for Mayan ceremonies conducted to protect against Wuqu’ Qak’ix, the seven sins of pride, ambition, envy, lies, crime, ingratitude, and ignorance through laziness. We should also honor departed grandparents and other ancestors. Light is the ultimate source of all life. Born of the sun and the stars, Light cannot be seen yet illuminates all else. It exists both as waves and as particles, and is the fastest elemental force in the universe. It sets the standard and the benchmark for physical laws and for technologies that rely on speed. Light gives all of itself and ask nothing in return, an ever-flowing source of inspiration and insight, truth and clarity, art and creativity. It guides our spirit, infuses us with joy, and challenges us to take the highest path. Like the values and truths it embodies, Light allows for no excuses, no weakness, no failures of character or ability. While clouds on Earth and in our soul may dampen the strength, brilliance, and color of the light we see or feel, Light remains, always, the purest expression of itself and all that it illuminates. In the Tzolk’in, Ahau is the Lord of Light, embodying the highest potential of all life and illuminating the sacred journeys of evolution of all living things. Your challenge in the Trecena of Ahau is to purify your own inner light so that the path you travel may be clear and apparent. You may burn away the fog of uncertainty, fear, doubt, and superstition, but the real test comes in not allowing them to return. Ask Ahau to guide through your hardest times, your toughtest challenges. Rather than allowing ego, fear, insecurity or other toxic or deceptive emotions or traits steer you down the wrong path, seek the higher road, let the light of your soul illuminate the specific situation you face—and have the courage to stand up to it, resolve it, conquer whatever fears, anxieties or harm it is causing you. Don’t darken your spirit with weakness, laziness, or evasion, and do not allow others to sway you off course, for no matter how right they may appear to be, no matter how vehemently they may argue, the choice and the struggle are yours and yours alone. The toughest battles are those fought solo, in the deep interiors of the soul, not on the battlefield. The more open you are to your own inner light, the more you trust the blinding power of this inexorable natural force, the sooner you will attain the truths you seek. Remember that darkness is the absence of light, light is not the absence of darkness. All of the Earth’s peoples, cultures, and races have turned their faces to the sun since the beginning of time; in fact, so have all living things. Deep within all that lives, lies an innate biological and spiritual instinct to touch the Sun. There is perhaps nothing more natural than for Life to align with Light in a sacred dance of co-existence and co-creation. Follow the path of Ahau, and sail your ship into the sunlit horizon of your soul.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:55:23 +0000

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