It is abundantly clear now that TREASON is going on against the - TopicsExpress


It is abundantly clear now that TREASON is going on against the United States. As defined in the Constitution, TREASON is, "..or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." The arming of the Syrian Rebels, some of which are KNOW associates of Al Qaeda, fits the exact definition of TREASON! Are we just going to sit by and let such a blatant slap in the face of the Constitution go unpunished? Please put forth your serious suggestions as to what course of action We The People can take to right this matter. I think a coordinated effort to have LARGE crowds out side of EVERY office of EVERY U.S. House and Senate member on the same day demanding they begin proceedings to identify EXACTLY those responsible for the issuing of the orders to arm the Rebels, and those elected officials who have publicly endorsed this action, and then bring IMPEACHMENT proceedings against those who are responsible. (If House and Senate members are among the culprits, we must demand that those bodies EXPEL those members and insist the DOJ persecute them to full extent of the law once they are expelled from congress. What is your suggestion?
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 13:37:51 +0000

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