It is advised kita simpan aib sendiri. Saya cerita ni bukan sbb - TopicsExpress


It is advised kita simpan aib sendiri. Saya cerita ni bukan sbb nak bukak aib. Tapi sebab ada benda yg saya nak ingatkan diri saya sendiri. Dan mungkin dapat mengingatkan sesama kita. 1. It was during my housemanship. Occasionally you meet a nurse such as her. She moves slowly, a bit overweight but not terribly so. Takes a lot of breaks, sits often and tires easily with simple chores. I was new, idealistic, energetic. I looked down on her, of course. One day i finally peered into her life. Caught her in the tea room on the rare occassion i could eat. She has or had diabetes. And somehow contracted TB. We both agreed that it could be from work, but her diabetes made her succeptible. Her sugars yo yoed, sometimes she had to deal with sudden hypoglycemia, hence taking breaks. I looked at her with newfound respect. She still worked despite her difficulties. I later found out she was a very efficient nurse until she became sick. I swore never to judge again. 2. Yet i did. I mostly view people from diff angles now. I tend to avoid ppl i dont understand or whomever find it difficult to understand me. That way we put our judgeypants safely away. Some get unfriended this way, i confess. This guy is amazingly a magnet for disdain. He is a bit crazy. Shoots his mouth off, lacks credibility, authority and is a laughingstock amongst peers. The fact that he is a team player, works hard and honest, is a good dad and husband escaped everyone. I know the latter because i was told so. Still everyone looks at him with disdain. Despite still working and pulling out positive outcomes out of a hat in difficult situations and times. It was easy to judge him. Everyone does it. One day, very recently i found out he has a condition which gives him severe pain. And it is well documented that most chronic sufferers do exhibit some craziness. It couldnt have been easy for him. It was easy for me. Muharram is near. Perhaps a resolution to keep our judgeypants away is in order. Judging is perhaps among the easiest sin to commit apart from vanity.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:04:50 +0000

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