It is as Simple as Love and Hate © By Alton H. Maddox, Jr. - TopicsExpress


It is as Simple as Love and Hate © By Alton H. Maddox, Jr. Thurgood Marshall chose to attend Lincoln University in Pennsylvania because it would not hire Black professors. As a student at Lincoln, he urged the student body to keep Black professors off-campus. Lincoln University conducted a referendum on this question. Marshall was on the winning side. Lincoln University was able to continue at Princeton University on the Black side. This is like Here and Now, formerly Like It Is, banning Black selected officials, Black political candidates and leading Blacks from its studios. This is mind control. The head must be detached from the body. It should be obvious to anyone with a ticking brain cell. Fortunately, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad discovered that we were missing a screw. The doll test that Marshall and Dr. Kenneth Clark employed in Brown v. Board of Education to outlaw segregation in public education turned truth on its head. Even John William Davis, the attorney for the South in Brown and one of the great litigators of his day, was unable to convince the Nine Men in Black otherwise. The groundwork for the doll test can be found in Massachusetts and Arkansas. Dr. Kenneth Clark conducted scientific tests in both states. It was an integrated setting in Massachusetts and a segregated setting in Arkansas. Black children in an integrated setting hated themselves more than they did in a segregated setting. Thus, the answer for mentacide was integration. Clark conducted an unscientific test in South Carolina. This was the basis for Brown v. Board of Education. The most recent horror story is the murder of Kendrick Johnson, a 17 year-old whose body was found at a white high school in Valdosta, Lowndes County, GA. According to the Street Committee, his parents chose for him to attend a white high school rather than a predominantly Black high school. The white mans sugar is always sweeter. His ice is always colder. This was, if true, the cause of his death. Sis. Karen Mason, at the last minute, was able to get C.B. King, Jr., attorney for the family of Kendrick Johnson, on her program on WRFG-FM in Atlanta. This was this past Sunday. I was like Paul Revere but on the Internet. C.B. King, Jr. is coming. His father, with unparalleled legal skills, was one of my childhood heroes. I did not watch Superman, Batman and Robin or Lone Ranger and Tonto. This case smacks of Michael Stewart but it is more egregious. The New York City Medical Examiner doctored Stewarts eyes to cover up the manner and cause of death. In Georgia, someone removed all of Johnsons organs. It is called voodoo science. An additional motive for Johnsons death could also be to secure body parts. This is the future for Blacks. The second autopsy occurred recently but I had heard of the case from, among other venues, Rev. Sharptons satellite radio program, Keeping It Real. The modus operandi is for white plutocrats to dispatch him to the crime scene in head of the posse. When you see this happen, you should always stay tuned. This case is on the same path as Trayvon Martin. I have the distinction of possessing Rev. Sharptons crystal ball. This valuable object emerged from my successful representation of him in the trial of a 67-count indictment in Manhattan Supreme Court. I was his Dream Team. It allowed me to open up his heart and his mind and operate with the hands of Daniel Hale Williams. Whites had told him that I was the Real Deal. He would have personally preferred any white attorney. Later, a friend of mine asked him if he appreciated what I had done for him. His answer was in the negative because “I represented him for the wrong reasons”. Rev. Sharpton believes that all Blacks should be his subjects. Loyalty is a one-way street since he is an agent of the King and not Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. and ethics, among Blacks, is a no-no. Rev. Sharptons answer was correct. I was representing him pro bono for the welfare of all Blacks. He was an agent for Sen. Alphonse DAmato and Mayor Ed Koch. Someone had to be able to predict his every move. This meant that someone had to operate Up Close. This is a job for a surgeon. Rev. Sharpton will never get into this predicament again. Thurgood Marshall came out of mothballs to steer him in the right direction. Some double agents suggested that Rev. Sharpton should be put on trial. Black activists from throughout the tri-state decided to dig a hole for him, in 1987, at the historic House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn. I single-handedly opposed this move by double agents to put him on trial in the absence of a code of ethics. No one understood my stance. Ethics was not on the horizon in 1987. So far, a code of ethics is still a work in progress for the Freedom Party. After reading and consuming all of the teachings of our revered ancestors, I have concluded that our exit strategy lies in HELP (History, Ethics, Logic and Philosophy). History is our clock according to Dr. John Henrik Clarke. Ethics is our glue according to Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Logic is our own thinking according to Melvin Tolson. Philosophy is our map according to Hon. Marcus Garvey. The organizational framework is an independent political party. This is easier said than done. For the past one hundred fifty years or more, Blacks have preferred plantation politics and the Democratic Party being the sole vehicle to deliver us to the Promised Land. This is a bait and switch. We started this journey riding an elephant. We are now on a donkey. At times, this journey seems hopeless especially when money is put on the table. In 2010, Rev. Sharpton put seven million dollars on the table after the Freedom Party achieved ballot status for the General Election in the 2010 gubernatorial bid. He was the paymaster. His client was white supremacy. Blacks should not have a political voice. Rev. Sharpton was indifferent to the sacrifices that scores of Blacks made for the Freedom Party in 2010. In the 2013 mayoralty bid in New York City, Rev. Sharpton is only offering minimum media access to the Freedom Party and some chicken scratch. I am not listening. The price will rise in 2014 if the Freedom Party once again secure 45, 000 valid signatures. This means that the Freedom Party must be stopped before it garners 50,000 votes in 2014. The five leading candidates in the 2013 Democratic primary were all last seen kissing his ring and listening to his directives including an appearance at a venue of the New York City Housing Authority. This is a gesture of organized crime. It is a symbol of racketeering and it is proof of a willingness to engage in corrupt activities. It hurts me to denounce this gesture publicly but the act was done in public and it has created a bad image for the Freedom Party. Rev. Sharpton has a brain trust. It is made up of white supremacists from the Madison Avenue Initiative”, the Wall Street Initiative, the media and white politicians. Only mental midgets would decide to have any contact with him especially if it means going over my head. It breaches the chain of command. This is why I have vociferously and zealously preached ethics for the past three years. I may as well have been whistling in the wind. According to Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Blacks must start to listen. It is sad commentary when key members of the Freedom Party prefer to attend a rally at the headquarters of National Action Network in order to continue the pacification of Blacks rather than to sit down and listen to its own director who prefers the philosophy of Cong. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. and Malcolm X over the writings of Jupiter Hammon. Any perceived merger between the Freedom Party and the National Action Network is a bad sign. It will either take a skillful, sacrificial lamb with unchained hands and feet or the National Bar Association to achieve justice in the senseless and racially-motivated murder of Kendrick Johnson. No one appeared in Trayvon Martin ready for bear. We lost our unchained, sacrificial lamb in 1990. He is now fighting white supremacy in a strait-jacket. We have lost the natural love and respect that we once had for each other until 1954 in Brown v. Board Education. It is now necessary for us to draft a code of ethics and follow it until we rediscover our right minds. We are much better than our reputation. Our situation is now even worse than Hon. Elijah Muhammad could have even imagined. We must rediscover and follow our revered ancestors. Avoid the walking dead.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 22:08:05 +0000

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