It is at this time of year, far more than any other, when I - TopicsExpress


It is at this time of year, far more than any other, when I realize just how far my long, very personal theological journey has taken me from so many of you. That is neither insult nor invitation to follow me. I walk my own path, and so do you. In each moment, it is up to each of us to take that next step. For the record, I do believe in an historical Jesus who was arrested, tortured, and killed by authorities in Jerusalem. I believe that the Romans and their allies in Jerusalem saw this as a clear victory for law and order and stability within the empire. I also believe they got far more than that for which they had bargained. I truly believe in the radical nature of redeeming love and the power it holds for healing in this world. I am an existentialist, which means I believe that this world and the people in it are what truly matter. Whatever happened long again in Jerusalem, the clarion call still rings clear: bring Christ-like reconciliation to this world! In far more simple language, yet oh, so powerful: If you love ME, feed my lambs! The lambs are starving, peeps, sacrificed to the gods of materialism and power. Nothing is more surely written in the annals of history than that such abuses of the masses cannot long endure. Can we repair this world? Who can say. Is that what Jesus would have us do? This I believe with all my heart and soul. Shalom, and may grace which so greatly surpasses our understanding descend on us all.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:30:19 +0000

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