It is certainly no exaggeration to assert that the quality of - TopicsExpress


It is certainly no exaggeration to assert that the quality of public infrastructure is as crucial to the virility, sustenance and growth of any economy as air is essential to the existence of human beings. The state of physical and social infrastructure – power, water, public transportation, telecommunication, roads, schools and medical facilities – in a country is a measure, not just of the health of the economy but also the well-being of the vast majority of her people. In Nigeria, public infrastructure in virtually all sectors was allowed to decay abysmally, particularly during the years of predatory military rule. Yet, it is unfortunate that about 15 years after the democratic restoration of 1999, the infrastructure deficit has only gone wider. Even if many of the state governments are also remiss in this respect, the larger blame lies with the Federal Government, which is allocated more than half of the country’s national revenues but has little or nothing to show for it. With the next presidential election coming up in the first quarter of 2015, there is a tendency at all levels for partisan politicking to shove any meaningful governance aside. But President Goodluck Jonathan in particular has a duty to face his oft-repeated determination to transform Nigeria. Right now, the effects of the ‘Transformation Agenda’ are hardly felt in any sector of the economy. This is particularly so in the all-important provision of physical and social infrastructure, which is so vital to Nigeria’s development. Given the lethargic implementation of past budgets, it is only natural for Nigerians to be sceptical about the rosy promises in the 2014 budgetary proposals. Tagged ‘Budget of Job Creation and Growth’, the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who presented the budget to the National Assembly on behalf of the President, enthused later to journalists that “The budget is going to support the push in agriculture; it would kick-start the housing sector where it can create more jobs; it is designed to support manufacturing because jobs could be created there. Industries will also be created in solid minerals … Job creation is the key to really solve the problems of the Nigerian economy”. We agree that this is good talk from the Minister of Finance. However, we have had so much of promises in the past but nothing has changed; the living standard of the majority has rather steadily deteriorated. It is so sad that while humongous amounts are allocated to various sectors on an annual basis, social services remain anaemic and physical infrastructure abysmal. The question therefore is, where does the money go? The finance minister said during the budget presentation to the National Assembly that “Thus far, about 48.1% of the capital expenditure has been released but unutilised as at 30th September 2012”. It is incredible that a country like Nigeria in dire need of massive investment into the provision of physical and social infrastructure could still have surplus, unutilised funds in the various ministries and agencies. Something is definitely amiss somewhere. We urge Dr Jonathan to personally and decisively look into this issue. After all, the buck stops at his table. The President should pay attention to the problems of public physical and social infrastructure this year and personally drive the effort to transform Nigeria into a habitable space that is secure, peaceful, efficient and attractive for investment.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:45:12 +0000

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