It is customary to think that France is an anti-business country. - TopicsExpress


It is customary to think that France is an anti-business country. Exterior, we have a poor reputation, we are considered a socialist country eager taxes and protection of employees, not companies. Weaknesses Let us , first, a list of our biggest challenges (not exhaustive): A complete misunderstanding and ignorance of some of the population For me, the biggest problem comes from there. Many French mix all the big bosses with small buisnessmen , capital and labor, employees and employers ... They still oppose with each other , there is always a nice and nasty. Of course, this is false. It is not because some big bosses do anything it takes opprobrium on all bosses (they are mostly good and are crucial to the country!) . Our country lacks entrepreneurial culture. Is formed only by employees or officials in our schools. It is time to change for the good of all. We should not forget that we are all interdependent ! A difficult balance ( taxes - competitiveness - social system ) We are in a country trying to be as equal as possible ( this is also a failure but it is less severe than elsewhere ) . The balance is difficult : We need competitive companies because the world is a large and competitive field today. But we must also protect employees and our social system. This balance is difficult because our system, which is fabulous , is also very expensive . We need to achieve a balance and make it clear that it is in everyones interest . The equation is simple ( Im simplifying voluntarily ) : Too many taxes = choking businesses , not enough = The system falters . There is a huge project there , good luck to our policies to find a solution, not easy! Administrative complexity Administrative yarrow is a major concern for our economy , our businesses and our future. Strong measures must be taken to address this problem. A contractor has no time to lose with that, he has a business to run and employees to find, train and markets to conquer ! The lack of clarity The business community has sometimes feel that governments advance and retreat, and the lack of stability is problematic. Over the country and its base will be stable , more businesses will move easily. There must be a clear, precise heading, and that does not change every government. This topic deserves a consensus among political parties ( like so many others ... ) And good points? Despite its obvious problems, exchange and France signs make me think that we are on the right track. Some strong signals sent The late filing of the bank bosses France is an obvious example. Finally, it recognizes the possibility of failure for an entrepreneur , sacred Advanced ! Another example, the assizes of entrepreneurship proposed by Fleur Pellerin clearly showed the governments interest to business and his desire to get things done . The latest example is this great project Halle Freyssinet , which in 2016 will be the largest incubator of startups in the world , bravo! France s move, and really trying to move the lines , good news in short. The many and varied aid (maybe too much? ) Lots of support , financial or otherwise, are available for businesses in France . The concern ? They are too complex to obtain, and too many ... We are making efforts in this area but they are insufficient to cause unnecessary complexity that repels many. Many talents There are few large international companies who do not have French in their board of directors or other positions. We are known for our engineers and other scientists , a sign that our schools are still working properly (despite their concerns ) . The challenge will be to do so to keep his talents, by rolling up the sleeves ! Many go to other lands , and thus reduce our ability to change for the positive development . We need our brains to build the France of tomorrow.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:49:02 +0000

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