It is difficult to comprehend that a hidden religious dictatorship - TopicsExpress


It is difficult to comprehend that a hidden religious dictatorship is being nurtured like a rare tender flower. Of course these extremists are being done a great favour to achieve their goals if matters are allowed to continue the way they are doing. Should a Christian church ever be built in their countries, a stoning would be their reaction in return. All these antics are simply a religious masquerade hiding the true intentions towards the promotion of primitivity such as the degradation of women and all other vile elements connected to this horrendous movement. In another 20 years or so, those very people in support of this will probably rue their deeds when it is too late. Sadly to say, this movement is also assisted by the breakdown and degeneration of social fabric among the western population. It is just sadly amazing to witness the increasing augmentation of general primitivity in the 21st Century. Last but not least, there is, or might have been the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". This does not appear applicable to those wishing to inflict their unwanted and utmost undesirable regimes on the western world.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 10:36:05 +0000

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