It is easy to feel some schadenfreude at the latest episode in the - TopicsExpress


It is easy to feel some schadenfreude at the latest episode in the troubled saga of Scottish Labour, Johann Lamonts resignation. But I actually feel pity for them and its a bit of a sad episode really because this is supposed to have been the party of socialism in Scotland. And now in a dramatic week for the party in Scotland comes the admission that they are puppets of a Westminster party and great anger has been vented towards Ed Miliband not just by Lamont but also by both former Labour First Ministers. A notable example of Milibands interference came when he expelled Eric Joyce from the party after the Westminster bar incident. This should have been a matter for Johann Lamont as the leader of the Scottish Labour Party. But much as I feel somewhat sorry for Ms Lamont I dont have much sympathy for her after three years of negative campaigning alongside the Tories against independence. Her opposition to independence is not the problem it was the manner of her opposition. Her infamous catchphrases like Something for nothing, We are not genetically programmed to make political decisions in Scotland and worst of all [Scottish] nationalism is a virus will only add gravity to her legacy in the eyes of many Yes voters, the very people who Labour are desperately trying to reach out to ahead of next Mays General Election. I will never forgive her for the virus remark unless she apologises. Whoever replaces Johann Lamont as leader has one hell of a job to do to rebuild the party. All I can say to them is good luck.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:39:45 +0000

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