It is evident that there are more and more challenges of - TopicsExpress


It is evident that there are more and more challenges of aggression against those of us serving in law enforcement and in all facets of public safety at this point in history. Just last evening here in Longview, a 15 year old boy lost his life in a shootout with Longview Police Officers near the New Way convenience store on South Green St. This is an area which is all too familiar to me, at one time being the District Patrol Sergeant for that part of the city and the happenings in the area of that location are known to have links to gang activity and drug use and sales. Some denied such while others turned a blind eye and a deaf ear!! But it is what it is and I tried to convey that in my tenure with Longview P.D! Dealing with some deaf ears and blind eyes, yes! But at the same time, there were those who knew the truth, worked with me, and did their best to uphold it! I salute them!! Now, a young man who could have taken a different path toward a productive way of life for mankind and for himself apparently chose the other and lost his life, while some officers are now greatly affected as well, and will more than likely go through the rest of their lives recalling that tragic event. In this type of situation, everyone loses!! However, when one is sworn to uphold the law and protect everyone concerned, one must do what he/she is forced to do, much like the situation we recently had in Kilgore. Is this a mere prelude as to what will still take place there and in other areas? I pray earnestly that it is NOT! I had even dealt with one of the same young mans siblings before who could have easily ended up like the way his brother did. Oh! my prayer is for young men who are without dads to mentor them and lead them unto the right path! Dads! oh dads!! please be attentive to this!! You are so needed each and every day in this endeavor!! I know that the answers to any situation can be found within the scriptures. Having said that I came across a prayer written by the Rev. Darrell Hall, Chaplain of the Austin, TX Police Department. It is based upon what we often call The Lords Prayer which Jesus himself instead referred to as The Model Prayer. The scripture can be found in Matthew 6:9-13. I have read and studied several Police Officers Prayer manuscripts, but this one by Chaplain Hall, penetrated to the depths of my soul, and I share it with you: LAW ENFORCEMENT PRAYER Our Father Who art in Heaven... In a few minutes I will assume my daily beat. Facing the unknown, but being closer to thee than ever before. Hallowed be thy Name... Even in the face of death and crime, Thou art everywhere to guide me. I will fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me. Thy Will be Done... Thy will, not mine shall be done. Do not let me be selfish. Oh Lord if You choose to take me, let me die as a man in order that another man may live. On Earth as It is in Heaven... Let me be a guide here on earth to those who are misguided and lost. Help me to help those who are in need of help in order that we may be worthy of Thy kingdom in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread... Especially those who live in poverty and misery And forgive us our trespasses... I am a sinner. Oh Lord, let me never forget that. I am no better than my fellow man. Let me never forget that by Thy grace I am on the right side of the law. As we forgive those who trespass against us... Forgive those who despise and the uniform which represents law and order. Forgive them for they do not know better. I have forgiven them. Lead us not unto temptation... Make me strong for I am only human. Deliver me from the hate and jealousy and from wanting something I should not have in your eyes. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory... Let me be no judge or jury. Let me be impartial. Let me be just and fair. Forever and ever, Amen Continue to pray for the young men and women of today so that they will become positive roll models for tomorrow!! May we who are entrusted with responsibility use that responsibility in the right way to make a difference in those young lives! For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required. --Luke 12:48--
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:52:23 +0000

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